Page 69 of Definitely Not Him
As I was boarding the elevator, my phone sounded with a text message.
Tyler’s doctor.
Dr. Tevis: Good evening, Miss March. I know it may be after dinner hours for you, but I just ran your first blood tests. You’re dangerously low on potassium & vitamin A. So, I’m attaching a list of recommended foods that you need to eat ASAP. Is it possible for you to do this tonight? I’ll bring you stronger prenatal vitamins as soon as I can.
Me: Sure. I’ll head to a restaurant now. Thank you very much.
I gave up my hotel suite plans and headed for the rooftop restaurant.
* * *
I sippedmy second banana smoothie and read over today’s “royal news,” feeling my heart sink lower with every word I absorbed.
I’m such a fool…
“Is this seat taken?” A cute blond guy stepped in front of my table, preventing me from taking in any more.
“Not at all.”
“Good to know.” He sat across from me. “My name is David, and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I couldn’t figure out why every man in this room kept staring at you. Until now, that is. You’re so beautiful.”
“Thank you. I’m Mia.”
“Any reason you’re not drinking, Mia?”
“Yeah, I uh…” I cleared my throat. “I have to go into work super early tomorrow, so I don’t want to risk being late.”
“Tomorrow is a Sunday.”
“I work on Sundays.”
“I gotcha.” He nodded. “Well, do you mind if I treat you to my favorite dish here?”
“Not at all.”
He signaled for the server, and I forced myself to eat whatever salty mess he placed in front of me.
He asked me four questions about myself and quickly launched into a spiel about how much money he made with cryptocurrency.
While he bragged about his latest vacation to Morocco, my phone buzzed in my lap.
A phone call from Tyler.
I hit ignore.
“Tell me a little more about you,” David said. “Sorry, I got carried away there.”
“I think I’ve told you all the basics.”
“Exactly.” He eyed my cleavage, and I was immediately turned off. “Tell me something sexy, something that would turn me on.”
“She’s currently pregnant with another man’s baby.” Tyler’s deep voice was suddenly behind me. “That’s quite ‘sexy’ enough, isn’t it?”
“I’m sorry, what?” David laughed nervously. “That’s—That’s not true, is it, Mia?”
I turned around, seeing Tyler wearing a baseball cap and oversized shades to cover his face, still looking sexy as hell.
“Mia’s not even her real name.” His voice was terse. “This woman isn’t who you think she is.”