Page 73 of Definitely Not Him
Three Weeks Later
Change of Plans
One more week after that
Seattle, Washington
She really fucking tried me…
Chloe didn’t take off three weeks. She took four.
“Ermmm. Are either of you planning to speak during this appointment?” Dr. Tevis looked between Chloe and me on Saturday afternoon.
We were sitting in a huge condo I’d purchased specifically for her medical visits, large enough for Dr. Tevis to bring along three staff members and all the necessary equipment.
Still, Chloe looked less than thrilled about this situation, and I knew she was wearing that short blue and red dress on purpose. To distract me from being pissed, and unfortunately, it was almost working.
“It’s a bit hard to make sure we’re on the same page if you’re not talking to me,” Dr. Tevis said. “Can I get some input on how things have been going these past few weeks?”
“I wouldn’t know, Dr. Tevis,” I said. “This is my first time seeing Miss March in nearly a month. I’m surprised she even showed up for this.”
“I’m surprised he’s here too,” Chloe quipped. “Surely someone of his standing has plenty of better things to do than check on someone who he thinks is his personal property.”
Dr. Tevis blinked. “Do either of you have something to say about the pregnancy?”
We stared at her blankly.
“Okay, then.” She pulled a chair in front of us. “Again, let’s be mindful that with twins, we have to be cautious until they’re both viable, but we’re twelve weeks into the pregnancy and they are healthy so far. That’s beautiful news, right?”
“Miss March, would you mind laying back so I can record the babies’ heartbeats for my records?”
Chloe lay back on the custom leather table, slowly lifting her dress.
I looked over at her, noticing a small bump.
Dr. Tevis spread a cool gel above Chloe’s navel. Then she picked up a white wand and motioned for me to step closer. “Don’t you want to move it around until you hear the heartbeats, Mr. Carrington?”
She said it as more of a statement than a question, handing the wand to me.
I pressed the edge of it against Chloe’s skin, and her eyes met mine.
“Slowly press down a bit and move it like so,” Dr. Tevis commanded, and I obliged—keeping my eyes on Chloe’s.
“I hate you…” her eyes said.
“I hate you, too,”mine responded.
Lup-dup, lup-dup, lup-dup, lup-dup…
The soft sound of galloping filled the room, and I held the wand in place.
Tears welled in Chloe’s eyes, but she quickly wiped them away.