Page 99 of Definitely Not Him
“Hasn’t stopped for one second.”
“I’m cutting my trip short and flying back home within the hour,” I said. “Can you set food outside her bedroom door for me, please?”
I ended the call, and shook my head. The press continuously coming after me was one thing, but my heart ached the moment I saw the words directed at Chloe.
I dialed Hazel’s number, but I held back on calling.
I’ll deal with her in person.
The door to my hotel suite opened and my father stepped inside.
“Leave before I have you removed.” I shut my briefcase. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”
“Not even hello?” he asked. “You came all the way back to London just for—”
“For my brother and sister,” I said. “The only children who actually believe you have their best interests at heart.”
“How many of these pregnant mistress rumors are true?”
“I wasn’t kidding about having you removed.”
“Tyler, I’m trying to help.”
“You’ve done enough,” I said. “Trust me.”
“I’m dying,” he said. “I don’t have much longer to live.”
“That’s good news, isn’t it?”
The look in his eyes was the most vulnerable I’d ever seen, but I’d witnessed far too many Academy-Award worthy performances from him over the years to believe it.
“I know I’ve pushed hard on you for everything in life, but I wanted you to know first,” I said.
“Why should I believe you?”
“You don’t have any reason to,” he said. “But I don’t have any reason to lie either. You’re already out of contention for the throne and your brother will take it once I’m gone.”
“What type of disease do you have?”
“What type and stage?”
“What does it matter?”
“Tell me.”
“I’m sitting down for an interview about it in a few days,” he said. “You should stay a few more days, tune in, and see.”
“Most sick people don’t want extra attention. They’re too busy—” It suddenly hit me. He wasn’t sick at all, This was still part of a show and game for him, the next level in garnering the attention he loved so much.
No matter the cost.
“It takes a truly twisted person to fake cancer,” I said. “Let me guess how this role goes, though. You announce that you have it, get international sympathy, and then months later, you’re ‘miraculously cured.’ All the while, you’ve used your sympathy time to push whatever narratives you want?”
He didn’t answer.
The truth was all over his face.
“You disgust me.”
“The way you put it makes it sound more awful than it really is.”
“I’m coming back for The Queen’s dinner next weekend and that’s it,” I said. “Only because I made a promise.”
He started to speak again, but I left the room, calling the only person I currently cared about.
Pick up, Chloe.