Page 5 of In League with Ivy
Liam busied himself emptying his dishwasher. “Only because he doesn’t want to commit. But hey, you could change that. Maybe play hard to get.”
“I’m tired of playing games. They’re so exhausting. And my date for tonight is hot. You never know, he could be the one.”
“The one? A date tonight? You don’t waste time.”
Staring at the pots of roses on the balcony, I nodded glumly.
“But weren’t you only just telling me you wanted to become a strong, independent woman first before settling down?”
“I don’t want to get married. But a steady boyfriend would be nice.”
“I think you should give Chase a chance.”
“Mm… anyway, back to my other issue. Mom hooking up with Mitch. Do you think they hooked up when I was seeing him?”
“That was when I was working at the shop,” he said pensively. “Summer didn’t give me that vibe. And anyhow, wasn’t she seeing a different guy every week?”
“Yeah, well… that’s Mother. She’s into all kinds of weird shit. Polyamory and witchcraft, as you know.” I shook my head. “I guess it makes sense. They’re both into all that hocus-pocus crap.”
Liam nodded pensively. “She’s good at it, though. Those birth charts she devised for Ambrose and I were amazingly accurate.”
“So how do I deal with this? And I have a date tonight. I went to the shop to look through the new Paris collection.”
“You’re really going to drop Chase?”
“Hello! I saw him on Tinder.”
“Your friends-with-benefits arrangement means that Chase hasn’t done the wrong thing, you know.” He wiped down the bench.
“I know. But I removed my profile. And what does ‘friends with benefits’ even mean? That we can still fuck around? Or that we’re not committing?”
“It means both. It’s a trial period. Or it can also be a euphemism for fucking whoever one wants while you’re his booty call on speed dial.”
I squirmed. “I’m doing a crappy job of being cool and unaffected, aren’t I? I can’t stop thinking about him. God, I think I’m in love.” My voice cracked at that heartfelt admission.
Liam took my hand. “You’re allowed to be in love. I fell for Ambrose after our first night.”
I chewed my nail, something I hadn’t done since my father became ill four years ago. “I need to toughen up. Become my mother, who seems to be happy flitting from one guy to another. She’s always fucking happy.”
Liam laughed. “That’s because she’s into chanting ‘Om.’”
“I’m too wired to meditate. The only kind of levitation I subscribe to comes from clinging onto Mr. Nine Inches.”
He giggled. “Just talk to Chase. Don’t cut him off. Maybe he forgot to remove his profile.”
“It’s not just that. Chase has made it very clear that he’s not into relationships and that he hates the idea of children.”
“So do you,” he said.
“Right now, I do. But one day…”
“You’ve changed. You hated being around babies. Remember at Sara’s? You could barely hold Dylan. You’re the worse godmother ever.”
I laughed. “Well, he’s an excrement-making machine.”
“Tell me about it. My Dolce & Gabbana shirt’s ruined.” He pulled a face. “So, you’re going on a date to try and get over Chase?”
“Yep. Lame. I know.”