Page 85 of In League with Ivy
“I wasn’t.” I giggled. “I actually don’t know much about you other than the types of vodka you like, how you like your dick sucked, and that you prefer me without panties.”
He chuckled briefly, then within a breath, his face lengthened. Pushing away a strand from his smooth brow, he said, “I’m about to lay that version of me to rest. It’s now all about running a successful business. Or I should say businesses.”
I studied him, looking for signs of excitement, but sensed dread instead. “Why do you look like someone’s dragged in a dead cat?”
“I just want to create a hotel destination and not run an ad agency. But…” A smile grew, and the buoyant, fun-loving Chase reappeared. “I’ll get there. We’re rich. We can do anything.”
He lifted me and spun me around.
I laughed like a child. The last person to spin me in the air had been my father—a memorable moment stored in my subconscious photo album of heart-melting moments.
“You’re so light.” He put me down, and I giggled, readjusting my dress.
I liked hearing about his aims in life. Despite being fun to hang out with, bar hopping Chase wouldn’t have made an ideal husband.
“I’m in the same boat,” I admitted. “I need to get a little more serious about my direction.”
“You can be what you want, Ivy. I have lots of faith in you.”
Tears burned behind my eyes, and my lips trembled slightly.
“Hey, you. It’s all good.” He leaned in and kissed me. “We’ll do good.”
I sighed as warm fuzzy sensations made my skin come alive and my heart sing.
Life felt great—so great, I performed a cartwheel on the edge of the shore.
Chase yelled, “Whoo-hoo!”
I giggled.
“Do it again, only slower,” he said, his eyes smoldering.
“You just want to perv on my ass.”
“Oh yeah.” He grinned. “But, hey, that was really good. You missed your calling.”
“What, to join a circus?” I cocked my head.
He smiled, then lifted my dress.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Let’s skinny-dip.”
I looked ahead, and the few people in the distance resembled dots.
We removed our clothes and ran in, laughing like children. He splashed me as I stood stomach deep in the water clutching my arms.
“Don’t,” I yelled.
He dove in, grabbed my ankles, and dragged me under. The water, freezing at first, felt great and so refreshing as we splashed about like teenagers on their first day of summer.
When it came to getting out, I noticed a couple had arrived. Chase, to my “what do we do now?” grimace, pulled a goofy face. He didn’t seem to care.
“I can’t go out like this,” I said, crossing my arms over my breasts.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be giving him his first thrill for the day.”