Page 87 of Devoured By Peace
With his undereye bags and ill-fitting suit, Hank should have been lounging back with a pipe and a book rather than advising the son of a shady billionaire. Nevertheless, he’d been an expedient choice, and he felt like family.
I shifted on the hard seat in the gray, windowless room, holding a cup of cold coffee in my trembling hand. Rage and frustration had made me edgy. I’d never been locked up before. It terrified me. I could fight my way out of a bar brawl but not a prison full of desperados.
“She’s bullshitting. I was in the shower when she appeared out of nowhere. Before I knew what was happening, she was on her knees with my dick in her hand. I pushed her away. Gently. Then she slipped.”
“You should have reported it,” he said.
I took a deep breath. I should have done a lot of things. Like divorce that family.
“It would have been my word against hers.”
He nodded. “Britney’s going to testify against Tamara. I’ll let her explain.” He rose. “You’ll make bail.”
“Will you get me out today?”
He touched my hand. “Britney’s there right now, arranging it. We’ll have to apply for a hearing. But it can be sped along. You’ve got a winnable case. That she waited until now to report you will certainly work in your favor. From anyone’s perspective, we have a disgruntled widow who’s out to blackmail.”
I held my head. “Can you get me something to read?”
He nodded. “Sure. Don’t worry, buddy. We’re on it. You’ll be out any minute now.”
But I wasn’t released until the next day. Britney was there to hold my hand. I would have preferred Miranda’s, but something told me she’d written me off.
As I stepped onto the pavement, the first thing I discovered while squinting from the sun’s glare was that freedom smelled like exquisite perfume.
I headed to my favorite café, where I ordered eggs and bacon for breakfast. I hadn’t eaten for twenty-four hours, after I nearly retched at the mushy excuse for food offered to me in my smelly cell.
Britney sat opposite me, sipping on coffee. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her eat.
“It will take a long time to go to trial,” she said. “But there is a way for this to go away. Now.” She raised a well-plucked eyebrow. Her blond hair looked white against the sun’s rays, making her seem older.
“What do you have?” I asked, refilling my cup. A cup of coffee had never tasted so delicious.
“I’ll testify to witnessing her entering your room and that she’d been drinking. And I’ll come up with something nice and salacious about when I asked her what she was doing.” Britney grinned. “I’ll describe how she staggered about, naked, and when I tried to stop her, she pushed me away and entered your bathroom.”
I narrowed my eyes, sensing the punchline.
“I’ll testify on one proviso.” Her cool blue eyes bored into me.
“Marriage?” My weary response reflected that of a man about to be crucified.
She grinned. “Uh-huh. Then this will go away.”
“Tammy did you a service that day.” I narrowed my eyes. “Or did you put her up to this? Is this some kind of twisted scheme you both devised?”
Her brow lowered. “Are you fucking kidding me? I hate her guts. As if… I mean… That’s nuts.”
“Why not? The secrets. She fucked Brent. You fucked my father. For all I know, you could be fucking Tammy. I wouldn’t put it past any of you. You’re all fucking trash. My father included.”
“Hey. Don’t disrespect him.” Fire lit her eyes. “In any case, I’m not a fucking lesbian. Never been there. It’s fucking sick. I like real dicks. Big ones. Like yours.”
I rolled my eyes. She was beyond repair. “You’re willing to perjure yourself?”
Without warning, Miranda and her beautiful, soft dark eyes entered my thoughts. I needed to see her and explain why Britney had me by the balls.