Page 95 of Devoured By Peace
Harriet paced about while Ava busted some jaw-dropping dance moves that were difficult enough for an adult, let alone a child. I switched from watching my restless sister to my dazzling niece. With Lachlan’s earlier visit still heating my body, I couldn’t sit still either.
“Ava, sweetie, go into your room and play. We’ll get pizza, okay?” Harriet said.
“You weren’t watching.”
“I was, darling. You’re so talented. It makes Mommy really proud. And I’ll work on your costume this weekend. Promise.”
Ava scuttled off.
Harriet said quietly, “So much is happening. I’m going nuts.”
Rising from the sofa, I said, “Come and talk to me while I pack some boxes.”
She huffed. “I wish you wouldn’t move.”
“We’re crammed in here, and I’m not far away.”
“Why didn’t you just move into Lachlan’s penthouse?”
I shrugged. “It’s complicated.”
“Things are always complicated. It would be dull otherwise,” she said with a sigh.
“Okay. So what’s happening with Ollie?” I knew her well enough to recognize boy troubles.
“He’s flirting with me big time. And when I say big time, I mean like that.” She lifted her eyebrows.
“Oh. Like that? Have you?”
“No. But he keeps touching me. It started playfully on the arm, then he pinched my ass. And yesterday, when I was leaning over to sponge him, he touched my breast.” Her voice cracked.
“Oh.” I frowned. “You don’t like it?”
“I’m crazy about him. I mean, he’s still bossy and can be a real asshole. But he’s also sweet and funny. And fucking sexy. Even like that.”
I nodded slowly. “But you’re in his home. What if his parents see this happening?”
“He’s got his own space. A cute cottage. It’s been fitted out for a wheelchair. There aren’t any stairs, and it has easy access to the house.”
“So I take it you’re left alone together.”
“Uh-huh. We play video games. He plays the guitar.” Harriet shook her head. “He’s so talented. I could listen to him all day. I keep encouraging him to play.”
“How’s rehab going?”
“Good. We have the physio coming every couple of days now. And I’m working with him in between. He’s actually making progress. That is when he’s in the mood. But then he takes my arm, and I look into those big dark eyes and…” She released a breath. “Shit. What should I do?”
I removed clothes from my wardrobe and placed them in a large plastic bag. “You’re being well paid. Do you want to stay?”
“You bet. But I’m developing feelings.”
“It sounds like he’s attracted too.”
“I think I’m a distraction. A reminder of when he was free and wild.”