Page 7 of Unforgivable
He mops his plate with a piece of bread. “She wants to stay with us.”
“With us?” I blurt. “You mean, here? In our house?”
“You’re joking, right?” I snort. “We’re not exactly the Four Seasons. Will we have to deliver her eggs Benedict and Dom Perignon in bed every morning?” I laugh, I don’t know why, it’s probably exactly what will happen. “So, what did you tell her?” I say more quietly.
He gives me a pained look, like I’m exasperating him. “I said sure, you can stay in the spare bedroom. What else did you want me to say?”
Oh, I don’t know. How about, I told her I’d talk to you first, make sure it’s okay with you.
“Nothing,” I say. “So how long is she staying for?”
“Not sure, a couple of weeks.”
I smile because it’s a joke, obviously. I wait for him to say it, but he doesn’t. “Sorry. How long?”
“Two or three weeks, something like that.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, why?”
And I’m thinking,oh my God. No, please. “You know what she’s like, Jack. You don’t think that’s awkward?”
He closes his eyes. “I’m trying, Laura, okay? She wants to visit Charlie. She’s her mother.”
I let out an involuntary snort. “Sorry. Keep going.”
“Don’t be like that.”
“No, of course not. Like what?”
“Like now. Doyouthink it’s awkward?”
“Well, yes, I just brought it up, didn’t I?”
“Okay, Laura, you may not have noticed but I’m under a lot of stress right now.”
“So if Bron wants to come and stay and visit Charlie, I’m not going to say no.”
“That’s not what I meant. But why can’t she stay in a hotel?”
“I don’t know.”
Okay. That’s okay. I’ll make it work. I make everything work. Think of the positive, she can help around the house. Haha. Just kidding. But what would happen if I said,No, she can’t stay here? I’m so tempted, I roll the words on my tongue, just to try them out.
But then Jack says, “There is a silver lining.”
“There is? You sure it’s not an anvil about to fall on your head?”
“We’re going to the lawyers and she will sign the divorce papers.” He grins at me.
“Oh my God! Really??”
“She’s the one who suggested it.” And his face relaxes into a smile, like he was saving this best news for last. I punch his shoulder and he slaps his hand on where I hit him, laughing.