Page 51 of Unfaithful
“What? Who?”
He cocks his head. “You know I can’t answer that.”
I laugh, one short barking sound. “Wait a second. One of my students has accusedmeof sexual assault? Is this a joke?”
“I didn’t say it was one ofyourstudents. Now, you know the protocol. We will conduct an investigation—”
I’m on my feet. “What the hell is going on? This is bullshit, Geoff. You can’t seriously believe—”
“It doesn’t matter what I believe.”
“But it’s a complete lie, I’ve never even touched a student! I am very aware of my responsibilities under our code of conduct. I would never—”
“Anna, please. I saw you, remember?”
I frown at him, my head shaking in confusion.
“The retirement party? You scuttled off with that guy.” He leans forward across his desk. “Isawyou.”
I feel myself blush, remembering the moment when Geoff knocked on the door behind which I lay half-naked. I remember how he waited for me to answer but I never did. How minutes ticked by until he gave up. But he knew I was there, and that I wasn’t alone.
I’m shaking uncontrollably and tap my foot against the leg of my chair as if that’s going to help. Thoughts tumble in my mind and I can’t make sense of anything. “He’s not a student, he’s an employee. He fixes computers or something. Or did. He’s not even here anymore. He’s also a stalker.”
“I shouldn’t even be discussing this with you.” He takes his glasses off and puts them down on the desk. “He was a student then, Anna. He was in third year Law. And yes, he had a part-time job with the IT support desk, but that’s irrelevant to the claim.”
I feel lightheaded. “He was a student here? At Locke?”
“Yes. He didn’t tell you?”
I shake my head quickly and he picks up his glasses again. “Maybe you can say that in your defense.”
“So he’s a mature student then. He must be in his thirties. Doesn’t that mean something?”
“He’s twenty-six.”
I drop my head in my hands. “Oh my god.”
“I’m supposed to read the rule book to you. So—”
“Nothing happened, Geoff.”
He snorts with laughter. “Not according to him.”
“Is that how you’re going to approach this, Geoff? He’s sick. He’s doing all this to hurt me. And he’s left, he’s not here anymore.”
“That’s right. And he cited you as the reason he left.”
He sits back, picks up his sheaf of paper and begins to read. “Now. On behalf of Locke Weidman, I assure you we will conduct a fair investigation. It is not in our interest to favor either one or the other party. You will be afforded the same respect as the person who filed the complaint. There will be a disciplinary meeting where you will have the opportunity to present any evidence or witnesses. However, no act of retaliation will be tolerated…”
But the blood rushing in my ears is drowning out his voice. Black dots dance in front of my eyes and I bend over, my head touching my knees.
“…no contact order in place. That means you can’t contact him, directly or indirectly. Normally I’d have to ask you to stay away from certain sections of the university but I don’t think that applies here.”
I’m not listening anymore. I get to my feet.