Page 30 of Tentacles and Teeth
I let a snarl curl from my lips as I caught a glimpse of her, pale and shimmering in the moonlight as she wove between the trees.
She squeaked, stumbled, and ran on.
I inhaled deeply. The richness of her arousal painted with a filigree of fear damn near brought me to my knees. I picked up my pace, letting out a low, bloodthirsty growl and relishing the fresh burst of her blended perfume. My cock was so hard it hurt.
She was getting tired now. But still she ran, though her thighs had to be chafing, wet as they were. I’d lick them better.
I sliced out a hand, catching the trailing ends of her hair. My jaw hung in silent laughter as she shouted and pulled away. Those heavy breasts swayed as she scrambled sideways down an incline, and drool filled my mouth.
Standing silhouetted in the moonlight above her, I howled.
She lost her footing, catching herself with one hand and a knee as she stared up at me with wide eyes. When they fell to my straining member, the wet head glistening in the moonlight, she moaned, curling slightly around herself.
Don’t worry, beautiful. You won’t be empty for long.I growled again, and she scrambled to her feet, fleeing.
Not this time.
I let her take three steps, then crashed into her. Snarling, I pressed her front into the rough bark of a tree, pinning her with my body. I gripped her hair, twisting her face back and baring her neck.
A fine sheen of sweat made her fair skin seem to glow, highlighting the rapid beat of her pulse and the tremors that shook her as she dragged in fast, ragged breaths.
Nuzzling against her neck, I chuckled as she struggled ineffectively. “Mmm, go ahead and fight me, li’l bit. I like my prey with some spirit.” Her scent was still spiced by fear, but the delicate hint of it was almost drowned out by arousal.
I pulled back enough to expose the sweet curve of her spine, my fist in her hair keeping her in place. My claws dragged up her thigh, just barely breaking the skin as she quivered beneath my touch.
Silently promising to buy her another, I slashed through that damned distracting dress. She was making desperate little noises in her throat, and I didn’t stop until it was held up only by the press of her body against the tree.
I smirked as she twisted, shouting, and drove my knee between her thighs to pin her in place for my admiring gaze. Such smooth skin. Her soft curves glowed in the moonlight like an empty canvas begging to be painted. I obliged.
My claws made a swirling pattern down her spine, pink welts rising in their wake. Reaching her ass, I gripped the satisfying meat of it in my hand before laying my palm across it in a solid smack. More pink. I purred.
“You bastard,” she seethed, but her hips circled restlessly, searching.
She shivered as I drew a wet line up her neck, then shouted when I jerked her head to the side, pulling her hair, and sank my teeth into the soft flesh.
I growled into the bite as coppery blood mixed with the hint of salt from her run. The scent of her lust was so strong now I could almost taste it as well. I raised my knee, pressing it into the juncture of her thighs.
“Well, well, well, li’l bit. Looks like ‘not nice’ works for you.” Wet heat saturated my fur as she ground her hot cunt against my thigh, making my cock throb as I pressed it against the curve of her back.
She scrabbled against the bark of the tree, writhing, and I snarled. I jerked my leg away, glorying in her shouted complaint. It cut off into a surprised grunt as I tossed her onto her back in the soft moss. She shook off the surprise quickly, flipping over and crawling away.
If she’d had a tail, it would have been wagging, the scent of her delight was so bright. As it was, that glorious ass bounced as she moved, my handprint showing in bright relief on the right cheek.
Biting my lip, I gave my aching length a hard stroke as my gaze tracked the flashes of deeper pink between her legs. Twin violet lights sparked in the darkness, and I grinned, tipping my head towards our playful little snack.
“What the?!” Katarina yelped as shadows wove around her, solidifying into inky tentacles that stopped her in her tracks.
I prowled forward, dropping to my knees behind her and worshipping the generous curves of her hips with my hands as Sid held her in place. She looked like a fucking wet dream as she arched like a cat under our attention, and I wanted her so bad in that moment I had to grit my teeth against the selfish urge to bury my swollen cock in her juicy slit.
It would be a damned shame to rush to the end of something that promised to bring us all to towering heights of pleasure.
Sid materialized from the darkness and knelt by Katarina’s side. The Fae brushed her hand tenderly over her cheek, then her fingers tightened, forcing her head up for a brutal kiss.
“You’re ours now, li’l bit,” I purred, stroking my cock. Primal satisfaction filled me as I painted a line of silvery precum across her ass. “Ours to gorge ourselves on until we’re satisfied. Gonna eat you all up. Fuck this pussy raw.” I clamped my hand over her fiery center. “Fuck this gorgeous ass.” My wet hand landed sharply on the lower curve of her bottom, right where it met her thigh. “Gonna mark you, bleed you.” My claws pricked her fleshy thighs above the restraining wraps of Sid’s tentacles.
Katarina’s whole body was trembling, and she whimpered into Sid’s mouth with every breath.
“You want anything to stop, at any point, all you have to do is say so. You hear me, Katarina?”