Page 10 of Defy
“And I said I’m not interested in anything you have to say, or anything you want,” she spits.
Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around her upper arm and spin her back to me.
I’m expecting her to be angry, to want to lash out at me but what I’m not expecting is for her to swing her arm around and slap me across the face so hard I swear it has to leave a handprint.
My eyes widen as pain burns across my cheek.
“How many times do I have to say it, Styx? I’m not interested,” she spits.
I’m still so stunned by her move that when she rips her arm from my grasp, I let her go.
She makes it about five steps before I come back to my senses. I storm after her and throw her over my shoulder.
“Stygian Johnson, put me down right now,” she screams, kicking her legs and slamming her small fists against my ass.
“Fight all you like, Kitty Kat. It’s not going to help.”
All the cars that were stuck behind me just speed past us without a second glance or care that I’m manhandling a young girl.
It works in my favor but it doesn’t make me feel any better about the fact she was going to continue without a care in the world.
Ripping the passenger door open, I throw her into the seat, and pin her in place with my hands on her thighs.
Her bare skin burns into my palms making my mouth water and my cock jerk.
Hanging my head for a beat, I try to get myself together.
Not only does Kat not want to be anywhere near me right now, she also seems to believe that I just changed my mind about wanting her which is so far from the fucking truth it’s not even funny.
“What are you doing, Styx? I don’t need you pretending to be a white knight and rescuing me in my hour of need.”
“Well that sucks for you, because I’m not letting you back out of this truck until I can watch you walk into your house safely.”
“Fuck you, Styx. Just… fuck you.”
Her words should sting, I guess they do in a way but it’s the reality of the whole situation that feels like a bat to the fucking chest.
“Kat, I—”
“Don’t bother coming up with some bullshit apology. I don’t want to hear it. If you’re so insistent on taking me home then fine. Do it. But I have zero interest in anything you have to say, so you’d be better off not wasting your energy on it.”
Lifting my head, I stare her dead in the eyes. Images of the time we spent together alone in my bed play through my mind as vividly as if it were only minutes ago.
“If I move, you’re not going to run?” I ask.
“Why bother? You’ll only throw me straight back in here,” she sulks, crossing her arms over her chest. “You can stop touching me now as well seeing as you’ve made your interest in me more than clear.”
“Goddamn it, Kat,” I bark, slamming my hand down on the chair by her shoulder, making her flinch. “I haven’t done what I’ve done because I don’t want you.”
“Oh look, you’re doing it again,” she quips.
“Doing what?”
“Lying. Always fucking lying. That’s what that night was all about after all, wasn’t it? You lied to yourself, allowing yourself to take what you wanted all those months, and then you lied to me about your intentions the next day because you’re too chickenshit to admit you fucked up. You’ve been telling me all this time that I’m the one who’s too young for you when it seems to me that the only immature one here is you.” Ripping her eyes from mine, she looks down at her lap.
Her lip curls up in disgust as she stares at my hands on her bare thighs. “I said you can stop touching me now.” She bats me away before crossing her arms once more and dismissing me as if I’m nothing to her.
The move hurts far more than it should.