Page 70 of Defy
I don’t stick around to hear their protests. I need some space.
I need to be alone.
Upstairs in my room, I kick off my boots and peel out of my clothes. In the mirror, I notice the slight bruises around my hips, the love bites along my collarbone.
Ryder and Styx both marked me. But neither of them want to claim me.
A bit of fun to pass the time to Ryder and forbidden fruit to Styx. And part of me is okay with that, I like sex. I like sex with both of them. But part of me also wants more.
I need it.
After washing up in my small bathroom, I climb into bed and grab my cell phone, scrolling through my message threads. Styx texted me a lot today but I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. Not after his asshole move last night.
If I give in and reply to him now it’ll look like I care. Even if I do, I don’t want him to know that.
Annoyed with myself, I slam my phone down and inhale a deep breath. I’m so zoned out, the ping of my cell startles me.
Reaching for it, I scold myself for the hope that blooms in my chest. I hate that they’ve both got me so wound up inside.
I hate knowing that they both have the power to hurt me. Not because I’m fragile or weak but because I’ve willingly handed them a piece of myself, whether they know it or not.
I open Ryder’s message and smile.
Ryder: Today was fun. We should do it again some time. But maybe there should be less clothes next time.
Kat: Are you saying you want to get me naked Ryder Montrou?
Ryder: Always…
Kat: Big words.
Ryder: Nah, darlin’. I’m about action not words, you should know that by now. Pick you up from school again?
Kat: Maybe. Got to check my schedule first.
Ryder: You got another hot date you want to tell me about?
Kat: Nope. But I might be washing my hair.
Laughter peals out of me.
Another text comes through but it has me pausing.
I sit upright, staring at the words.
Styx: I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.
I should let him stew. Let him agonize over my silent treatment. It’s the least he deserves for the shit he pulled.
But I’ve always been weak where Stygian Johnson is concerned.
Kat: You get one chance. Better make it worth my while.
Styx: I promise, you won’t be disappointed.
Another text comes through from Ryder and I wince. What have I gotten myself into?