Page 82 of Defy
Instead, I find my worst nightmare.
And she’s got a smug as fuck smile on her face and wicked intentions glittering in her eyes.
My grip on the door tightens and my muscles flex ready to slam it in her face, but before I get the chance, she presses her palm to it and puts her foot inside.
“And to think, I came here to catch up. But it seems you’re being a very, very naughty boy once again, Stygian.”
Ryder: Where have you been hiding, Kitten?
Iglance up at the teacher and check that the coast is clear to text him back.
Kat: I was busy.
Guilt snakes through me. But it’s silly. I didn’t make him any promises. Just as he didn’t make me any. For all I know, Ryder has been with a different club whore every night.
The thought makes my stomach drop, even though deep down, I know it probably isn’t true.
There’s something about Ryder, the way he talks to me, the way he touches me. I’ve tried really hard not to read too much into it but it’s always there in the back of my mind.
Even when I was with Styx, my thoughts wandered to Ryder.
But Styx won’t share me—he’s made that perfectly obvious.
Even that night at Envy, when he let his mysterious friend Jack touch me, the next day, he made it clear it would never happen again.
Styx might not like the idea of sharing, but it’s all I seem to think about. Styx, me and Ryder. Together. Wrapped up in each other, their attention solely focused on me.
God, I couldn’t think of anything better.
But it was a fantasy.
One that would never come true.
Ryder: Something you want to tell me, darlin’?
Kat: Nope.
Ryder: Were you with another guy?
Kat: Would it upset you if I was?
I wait. The little dots bouncing as he replies. Nervous energy vibrates in my stomach. I’m playing a dangerous game. I like what me and Ryder have going and this could turn him off.
Ryder: Depends… do I get to watch next time?
Heat flashes inside me as I gawk at his reply. I press my lips together, squirming on my seat.
I am in so much trouble.
But I can’t stop myself. Because playing this game is the perfect distraction from everything else going on around me.
Kat: You wouldn’t get jealous?