Page 160 of Stolen
chapter 74
I recognise her instantly.
Of course I do. She’sfamily.
Lottie would’ve gone with her without protest. She’d have believed any story she was told.
I want to throw up. Lottie was probably on her way to Tampa airport before I even knew she was missing. She’d have been on the other side of the world by daybreak.
We never had any hope of finding her.
With a howl of fury that comes from the depths of my soul, I sweep everything from my desk, blind with rage. I hurl books from my shelves, rip pictures from the wall, throw anything and everything I can get my hands on, as two years of pent-up fear and grief and guilt course through me like molten lava.
I’ve spent seven hundred and seventy-four days in a circle of hell even Dante couldn’t have imagined. I’ve tormented myself with images of what my little girl might be enduring at the hands of sick, evil men, and pictured her last moments, the terror my baby must have felt, on a nauseating, inescapable loop in my head for more than two years. I’ve heard her voice in the middle of the night, calling out for her mummy. I’ve known the excruciating torture of praying my child is dead, rather than suffering.
And the woman who did this to me, who put me through this indescribable nightmare, is someone I once thought of as family.
My berserker frenzy eventually abates and I lean on my empty desk, panting. Now the red mist has lifted, all that’s left is a cold, unyielding hatred. I finally know where my daughter is. As soon as I knew thewho, thewherewas obvious. I’m going to find Lottie and I’m going to lay waste to this woman’s life.
We won’t both walk away from this. Which means I need someone to make sure my girl gets home safely, no matter what happens to me.
Someone who isn’t afraid to break rules.
I find my phone amid the debris on the floor and pull up Quinn Wilde’s number.