Page 78 of Stolen
Danny’s still in his twenties, but he’s the best investigator she’s ever worked with. He runs rings round Simon Green and his goons at Berkeley International, the team of private investigators hired by the Lottie Foundation. Last she heard, Green had taken the Foundation for nearly a half a million quid, without a single firm lead to show for it. But maybe Alexa Martini wants it that way.
‘What’ve you got for me, Danny?’
Danny slides his phone across the table. She swipes through the pictures, her good eye narrowing. ‘What am I looking at?’
‘Immigration CCTV from Abu Dhabi. Your sources were right. He’s in Dubai. Been there pretty much since the shit hit the fan with that video. It makes sense – neither the UK nor the US have an extradition treaty with the UAE.’
Quinn sighs impatiently. ‘We knew that. Dubai’s a big fucking city, Danny. Did you find him?’
‘Better,’ Danny says. ‘We found them both.’