Page 26 of Gianni DeLuca
His jaw clenched. “Algiers.”
“Algiers is yours. Treme remains mine. Are we done?”
He made no comment.
“I see that gleam in your eyes. Are we done, Laffy?”
He corrected firmly, “Wisdom.”
I sighed. “Appears we’re not done. Tell you what? Think about how generous I’m being in giving you one of my most profitable neighborhoods. No more bloodshed and more money for you and your people. If you decide to take Treme, you will lose everything again. And this time your life.”
“Is that a threat?”
“You must have also heard that I only make promises that I always keep.”
“I did hear that.” He smiled again though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’ll see you around, G.”
“Gianni.” I corrected as I walked away.
“Who’s the stronger man in this situation? A man afraid to die or the man who’s not?”
I continued to walk.
“You’re afraid to die because you love my sister.”
I made it to the entrance.
“Kill me, and you’ll never have a chance with my sister. Either way, you shouldn’t stand in my way.”
Although I didn’t stop walking, I looked over my shoulder. “Algiers is yours. No more.”
And as I entered the sun again, sadly, I knew I would have to keep my promise. Wisdom had no intentions of stopping until he controlled the city.
Chapter Sixteen
Ibanged on her largedoor viciously, needing answers. The moment she opened her front door warily, I pushed past her. Gone was the level-headed mask firmly in place, complete control of emotions, man. I was a spewing volcano. I shoved her against the wall in the entryway and jabbed my finger in her face. “What fucking games are you playing, Paris, Diamond, or whoever the fuck you are? How could you set me up like that? Lafayette is still alive, and for the last two months since you’ve been in my life, you let me believe he was dead.”
Despite my anger and aggressive behavior, she didn’t flinch. “He’s my twin brother, Gianni. My other half. The plan was to have you think I was Wisdom to throw you off his identity until he was ready to reveal himself to you. I didn’t expect to fall back in love with you. He still doesn’t know about us.”
I hit the wall next to her head. “Either he’s lying, or you are because he knows about us.”
She glared at me, although she spoke in a reasonable tone. “You can’t keep accusing me of lying. Maybe he picked up on something or...or -”
“Or you have just been mothafucking lying to me the whole time, pretending to love me so I can drop my guard....and....” I searched for the next words, unable to utter my honest thoughts.