Page 42 of Gianni DeLuca
“WONDER TWIN.” WISDOM, dressed in gray slacks, black long-sleeved polo, and a black fedora, greeted Paris as soon as he walked through our front door. “You still pissed with me?” He grabbed her into his arms for the biggest bear hug. She tried to wiggle out of his arms unsuccessfully, and he only held on tighter and smacked a loud kiss on her cheek. “Get over it, Diamond.”
She stiffened and pushed hard against his chest. “Paris.”
He let her go. “I need Diamond right now.” Wisdom glanced at me. “He knows it too.”
“Can I just have Laffy for a second? Why can’t we, for once, operate like a normal family? Meet Safiya, and catch up for a bit before we talk business. Is that possible?” She pleaded with him.
Wisdom took off his fedora, placed it in front of his heart, and smiled handsomely. “Everything is possible.” He looked down at his sister. “Where is that pretty niece of mine? I need to spoil her while I’m here anyway.”
A shirtless, muscled Courage came in from the pool across the room, holding a spirited Safiya in a pink polka-dotted two-piece bathing suit. The siblings had already bonded in the four days he’d been here. She stuck to his side like a magnet to iron. Even now, she clung to his neck upon seeing the strange man who strolled toward her. Wisdom simply held his hands to her, and surprisingly she went to him. Wisdom’s eyes watered as he met his niece for the first time, much like Mamma did when she met Safiya a week ago. He held her to his chest and strode to the patio. Paris pressed a hand against my arm when I started to follow, and she shook her head.
“He’s praying over her life and needs to be outside as close to God as possible. He did the same with Courage.”
“As a teenager?” I asked incredulously.
Paris beamed at Courage, who stood watching his uncle and sister. “He loved Courage like his own from the beginning, wanting him to have a different life than us. Like you, my brother is a beautiful complication.”
Mamma entered the living area as Wisdom came back into the house. Surprisingly, Mamma’s lips spread into the broadest grin. “Lafayette, oh my, you’ve grown into such a handsome and strong man.” She crossed the room, kissed Safiya’s cheek, and curved her hands to his face. “I always wanted to thank you for what you did for my George and my son. It broke my heart when I thought you’d been killed because you were also a son to me. Your sacrifices to my family will always be remembered.”
He nodded his head. “Thank you. I loved Mr. George, too.”
“I had my reservations about you being here but seeing you in the flesh, Gianni made the right call. I needed to be reminded of what you’ve already done for my family.”
Wisdom cleared his throat before solemnly replying, “Mamma Angel, I hope and pray that...that....” He seemed to search for the right words, then cracked a smile. “you prepared one of your divine dinners. I traveled from too far to eat Paris’s cooking.”
The room broke out in laughter, including my wife, who welcomed Mamma’s culinary prowess, and we all headed into the kitchen to eat the feast prepared by my mother.
As we sat around the table enjoying sausage rigatoni while laughing at Wisdom, who could make any story hilarious, Paris squeezed my hand. She whispered in my ear, “I’m tired of running too.”
AFTER PARIS SETTLEDSafiya to sleep, she joined us back at the circular wooden table, followed by Courage, who’d just finished cleaning the kitchen. I tapped the table in front of him. “Tell us what happened when you met with Enzo.”
“Grandmother had already told me of Enzo’s plans and that she was the one who suggested I take over instead of Enzo sending someone to run the city. I asked for a private meeting to propose that Unc gets to retain his territory. That I didn’t want any of the crew’s blood to spill. That I could get Unc to listen to reason.” Wisdom grunted in disapproval. “Unc, I had to. It’s not that I don’t believe in you. It’s just that the DeLuca organization is massive, and Enzo’s reach is powerful. I didn’t want you killed. What he wants, he gets. And he wants New Orleans back.”
“It was never his in the first place,” Wisdom reminded. “It was always ours and Tucci’s. If it wasn’t for me taking the rap for Tucci’s death, Gianni wouldn’t have been able to rise to the top. He would’ve been killed years ago by Tucci’s family.”
“Enzo gave Gianni permission to take Tucci out. He wouldn’t have been able to touch him without Enzo’s word.” Mamma informed.
“That’s in your world. Even if Enzo never gave the word, Tucci would’ve been killed. My father had plans to take Tucci out because he was a weak and vicious leader who kept encroaching on our territory. Gianni and I got to him first, and my father was murdered because of me. My sister and mother struggled for years, trying to keep me hidden. My family has lost too much to just hand back the city because the Italian mob demands it. If he wants New Orleans, then he has to take it.” Wisdom hit the table with his fist.
“Enzo doesn’t want a war, Unc. If he did, he would’ve attacked you already. He wants his family back in charge. I’m his family.”
“Bullshit. You won’t really be in charge. Enzo knows he can manipulate you in ways he couldn’t Gianni. He’ll pull the strings from wherever the hell he lives. Besides, to him, you’re a half-breed. I doubt he sees you as family.”
“It appears the men in my family have an affinity for black women, including Enzo. Courage is as much a DeLuca as Gianni,” Mamma defended. “I can serve as his consigliere as I did to Gianni. I wouldn’t allow Enzo to pull any strings. Enzo and his father before him never interfered in our business because they trusted us. He only wants New Orleans back because it’s a world-renowned city that used to be owned by the mafia. Operations can run much as they always have. You keep all the Desire’s territory, including the two taken from your family, and we can permanently end Capricio. We can run the city together peacefully.”
Wisdom leaned back in his chair. His eyes closed.
“Then we wouldn’t have to be on the run,” Paris added. “Being with all of you this week reminded me of all that Gianni and I are missing. Safiya needs to be surrounded by everyone’s love, not just ours.”
“Ma, you mean it? You’re okay with me taking over the DeLuca organization in New Orleans?” Courage asked, his voice sounding both eager and pleased.
“We were your age when we began taking leadership roles. This would be your inheritance once Gianni stepped down anyway.” She ruefully shook her head at Courage. “And since I can’t seem to convince you to have a safe and normal life, this is the best opportunity for you.”
Wisdom’s eyes remained closed. “G? What you think?”
I answered before my emotions reigned supreme. “Fuck Enzo. New Orleans is yours.” Wisdom’s eyes popped open, and everyone else gasped.