Page 2 of The Vacation Toy
I jumped back so fast that my towel flew up, spinning around my legs like a skirt. One hand clutched it tightly between my breasts. The other went up reflexively, defensively…
“Who thehelllet you in here?”
I tried looking as fearsome as possible. Being naked and frightened, it only came off as angry.
The guys just stood there for a moment, staring back at me dumbfoundedly. One of them — the blond one — eventually cocked his head.
“Look… it’sher.”
My eyes narrowed as they stared back harder.
“It is?” asked the middle one.
“Yeah, definitely.”
The guys in my bungalow weren’t native to the island — they were carrying bags, luggage. They were vacationers, like me. All of a sudden, they started to look familiar.
I recognized the one the middle… then the one on the left, too. Hell, I knew all three of them. I’d chased them through the streets of Madrid. I’d shared meals with them between legs, and traveled with them for the better part of a month.
“The Sorority Sisters!” the one on the right exclaimed, suddenly snapping his fingers. Another name popped into my head: Reese. “What the hell areyoudoing here?”
“What amIdoing here?” I scoffed.
“This is my villa!” I shot back. “Iwonthis trip, remember?”
Devin still looked confused as he let two large duffel bags drop the floor. He flexed his tremendous arms, all corded with muscle. They looked pumped and swollen, like he’d been carrying those bags for miles.
“We won the same trip,” Devin said. “Leg six. We beat out—”
“The Lucky Stiffs,” I finished for him. “The family who owned the mortuary.”
A smile crossed Devin’s handsome face, so pretty it could’ve melted me on the spot. If I wasn’t naked and clutching a towel, that is.
“They’re the ones,” he confirmed. “We wanted to take it months ago, but we got railroaded into scheduling the trip for this week.” He glanced around, looking pleased. “This is our villa. Or at least itshouldbe.”
“Except that it’s mine,” I told him. “I’m already checked in.”
Reese and Hayden — the blond one — were already moving around the room. They looked past me, into the hallway, like I was blocking their view.
“Where’s the viking princess?” asked Hayden.
My brows came together. “Who?”
“The blonde one,” he said by way of explanation. “Long legs. The six-foot volleyball player.”
“You mean Ingrid?”
“That’s it!” he cried. “Her.”
“She couldn’t make it,” I replied quickly.