Page 31 of The Vacation Toy
She nodded. “Oh yeah. Real busy.” Her smile returned, and she added a musical little laugh. “But busy in a great way.”
Way out in the distance, we could barely make out the string of lights that made up the oversea villas. They twinkled enticingly as they stretched out over the water.
“So do you think you could ever do it?”
The question caught her off guard. She stalled to buy time.
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
Maybe it was pushy, but I wasn’t exactly giving me her an out here. I needed to know.
“You mean if you guys weren’t climbing mountains in Minnesota and I wasn’t ripping donuts through the deserts of Arizona?”
“Yeah. That.”
After an adorable pause, she shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. Short term this is pretty fucking magical.” Her ample chest heaved a slow, heady sigh. “But long-term?”
“It’d be somewhat of a stretch,” I finished for her.
“Maybe,” she said, letting the word get picked up and carried away by the wind. I watched as she paused, thoughtfully. “But then again, maybe not.”
I pulled her tighter and twisted my body, shielding us both from the wind. The move was natural, protective. I did it without thinking.
“Why don’t you take me inside,” she asked suggestively, “and I’ll show you what it would be like if I were your girlfriend.”
The proposal brought an even bigger smile to my already happy face. “Girlfriend, huh?”
“Sure,” she replied. “I mean, if you’d rather just be friends we could pretend that too…”
“No, no,” I said hastily. “Girlfriend sounds like a lot more fun.”
“It is,” she answered, planting a trio of slow kisses on my chest. I could feel my pulse picking up. The heat of her lips felt amazing.
“And after what the others and I did today,” Brooke continued, “you and I definitely have some catching up to do.”
I couldn’t wait to get out of the wind, and get her into the nearest bed. I had big plans for us tonight. Slow, sensuous plans that involved burying myself as deep as I could possibly get inside her warm, willing body, and then kissing every inch of that body until I made her explode around me.
We made it as far as the living area before I swept her off her feet. Brooke practically leapt into my arms, interlacing her fingers behind my neck as I cradled her against my body like a superhero.
With a soft whimper her lips sought mine, and for the next minute or two our tongues explored what was becoming very familiar territory…
The sound was so loud and abrupt she almost leapt out of my arms Our heads whipped quickly in the direction of the offending noise, which was coming from the villa’s door.
What in the world…
Gently I set her down. As we glanced at each other in confusion, there was a sudden motion in the hall behind us.
“What the hell are you guys doing?” Hayden asked, stepping out groggily. He was only half-dressed. Just behind him, Reese was yawning and stretching.
“Nothing,” said Brooke.