Page 7 of The Vacation Toy
“And the two of you played football together, right?” I asked. “At MSU?”
Devin and Reese nodded together, their heads moving on thick, corded necks. With impossibly-broad shoulders tapering down to their hard, muscular backs they sure as helllookedlike football players. But with their rugged-yet-boyish good looks, they also looked like models, too.
“You’re looking at the hero of Rutgers,” Reese said, jerking a thumb Devin’s way. “We were playing them on the road, and went for a tying field goal with no time left on the clock. We fumbled the snap and would’ve lost, except this dick picks up the ball and throws a perfect spiral bomb for a game-winning touchdown.”
I could see the pride in their eyes as Reese relayed the story.
“Well it certainly sounds heroic,” I chuckled.
Reese nodded, still lost in the memory. “You have no idea.”
“All three of us went to Michigan State actually,” replied Hayden. “We were roommates together, although I didn’t play football.”
I turned my attention to the only blond in the group. An eternal smile seemed to dwell in the center of Hayden’s well-trimmed goatee, as if he knew some wicked secret the others didn’t. He had a surfer’s build for sure. I’d gotten in a quick peek when his shirt rode up while reaching for another slider, and what little I saw of his abdominals had already blown me away.
“Why don’t you tell herwhywe ended up as roommates,” Hayden joked, directing the question at the other two.
Devin and Reese both grunted.
“The coach put him there to tutor us,” Devin announced. “Our grades were slipping, and—”
“Slipping?” laughed Hayden.
“Fine, our grades werefailing,” Devin corrected himself, “and they swapped him in during our freshman year. As a wide receiver and a tackle, the team couldn’t afford to lose two whole starters from their offensive line.”
“Was that your truth question?” asked Reese, happily. “Because if it was—”
“Oh no, that wasn’t part of the game,” I said quickly. “That was just small talk.”
“Alright well then quit the chit-chat unless you’re actually spending your turn,” he grumbled. “I’ve got dares to call.”
He picked at the platter of mismatched food we’d ordered, as I thought of my next question. The hamburgers were tiny. The french fries weren’t quite right either. I’m sure if we’d ordered something more tropical and island-themed it would’ve arrived both beautiful and delicious, but all four of us agreed we were hungry for something from home.
“Okay truth,” I said, smiling. “Did any of you ever date the same girl in college?”
They paused, considering each other for a long moment. It was Hayden who finally answered.
“No?” I asked, questioningly. “That took an awfully long time for you to—”
“Not in college.”
“Ah soaftercollege.” I grinned. “Was it something recent, or—”
“Sorry, but you already got your answer,” Hayden chided. “It’s our turn now.”
The previous two rounds had been fun, as the boys and I mostly called ‘truths.’ We’d gotten to know each other a little better, and even tested a few boundaries. But this next round, I knew, would get even more flirty.
“Okay,” I smiled. “Fire away.”
Hayden made me answer the inevitable ‘have you ever had a threesome’ question, to which I had to reply yes. I could’ve told him it was with my best friend and her boyfriend, at their request. I could’ve revealed that it lasted an entire amazing weekend, tucked snugly away in a cozy ski house somewhere up in Vermont. I could’ve even told him it was the hottest weekend of my entire life, and that I often thought about it. But when he pushed for details, I gave him the same answer he gave me:
“Sorry but you already got your answer,” I smiled smugly. “Now who’s next?”