Page 75 of The Vacation Toy
“You gonna eat that?” I asked, eyeing the flaky-looking croissant at the edge of Devin’s plate.
I grabbed the pastry before he even finished the word. As far as community breakfasts went, this one was sparser than most. They’d already run out of eggs, bacon, and sausage. Half the teams around us were down to cereal and toast, not to mention all the crew-members and producers grumbling about the size of the spread.
But everyone was excited, the room filled with chatter. We were about to embark on the next leg of the Race, and everyone was well-rested and wholly recharged. Or in my case, at least the latter.
“So you slept like the dead last night, huh?” I asked, testing the waters.
“I finally did,” Devin agreed. “Which is good, because we’re going to need all the energy we can get today.” He shot me an excited glance, but not without adding a smirk. “All the more reason the others should’ve shown a little restraint last night.”
“I didn’t ask for restraint,” I said, taking my half of the responsibility. “Although beingrestrained…well, that’s a different story.”
Devin chuckled through his shredded wheat and dropped his voice an octave. “I heard Reese had to hold you down at one point.”
“Sort of,” I admitted. “He definitely had to cover my mouth.”
“Considering how loud you get that’s probably a good thing,” said Devin.
The whole conversation was taking place under the radar, while the boom operators were enjoying their own breakfast. There might’ve been cameras on us, but they were pretty far away. And they were focused on the entire hotel cafeteria as a whole, rather than individual tables.
“Would’ve been better if you’d been there too,” I needled him. “Even just to keep lookout, if you happened to be too tired to—”
“Oh I’m sure I would’ve performed,” Devin boasted. “Even half-awake.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled wearily.
“Sorry, it’s not you. It’s just that my head’s been spinning. Too much stuff going on at home. Every time I call back there’s a different crisis to be handled, and none of us there to handle it.”
I saw him trying hard to be cheerful, attempting to make the best of a bad situation. Maybe even for my benefit, which I appreciated.
“That sucks,” I commiserated. “Feeling helpless like that. So far away.”
“Yes,” Devin agreed. “It sure does. But honestly?” He shifted toward me in his chair, his voice going even lower as his expression softened. “I’m glad the three of you got some time together. Reese and Hayden have been hounding me about Vegas, so it’s good things got… well…”
“Evened out?”
I chugged the rest of my coffee as he laughed at my choice of words, then reached for my orange juice. It was already shaping up to be a weird morning.
“That’s one way of putting it,” he grinned. “Yeah.”
“Well as business partners I can’t vouch for them, but your friends certainly know how to live in the moment,” I said, fondly going over the events of last night. “Andthensome.”
I’d showered as the guys did their little balcony-trick again, and before I was even dry they’d shown up with a little less than half a pizza. Quietly we shared our midnight snack, then turned on the television for background noise as I fell into the warm, wonderful nest between their two hard, shirtless bodies.
The affection had been off the charts. We’d kissed slowly, lazily, with the guys passing my mouth back and forth like some sort of trophy they’d won together. Over the course ofhoursthey teased me, exploring every inch of my shower-soft skin with their lips, mouths, and fingertips. Eventually I pushed them onto their backs and took turns going down on them, pulling their thick, swollen members right through the fronts of their boxer briefs. I did it slowly, wickedly, making tons of great eye-contact and forcing each man to watch, head propped on pillows, while I slowly went down on him… or his friend.
“What time did you eventually get to bed?” Devin was asking absently.
“The first time or the second time?”
“Jeeze,” he grinned. “It was like that, huh?”