Page 9 of The Vacation Toy
They obeyed eagerly and immediately, and in the middle of their group disrobing I ran down the hall and disappeared into my room. They called out my name a few times, calling me ‘chicken’ and telling me I lost, but after dipping into my suitcase for a moment I returned just as fast.
“Alright,” I said, holding up my phone. “Getting the camera out…”
“Uh, aren’t you forgetting something?” asked Devin.
He rolled his finger in a circle a few times, indicating I still had my shirt on. I pretended to just notice.
“Oh! Right.”
Without missing a beat I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. The guys all stared together, the three of them looking both excited yet monumentally disappointed… by the cherry red bikini top I’d managed to slip on in record time.
“What?” I laughed merrily.
“You’re supposed to be topless,” Reese lamented.
“Uh uh,” I corrected him. “You saidshirtless. This is shirtless.” I smiled evilly, extending an arm in either direction. “Now gather round.”
The guys crowded in begrudgingly, as I slipped my arms around them and let Devin handle my phone. He extended it outward, flipping to the forward camera as we all crowded into frame.
Oh… oh wow.
My hands slid across arms, shoulders, necks. I could feel muscle upon muscle! Thick, beautiful traps and deltoids and even biceps as I reached downward, pulling their warm, hard bodies against me so we could all scrunch into the photo together.
“Say shirtless!” Devin called out, as he prepared to snap the pic.
“SHIRTLESS!” we all sang in unison.
The flash went off and the photo came up: three incredibly ripped, shirtless guys gathered around with me in the middle. It looked like the type of photo you’d take at a bachelorette party. One where the bride was surrounded by Chippendale’s dancers.
Even with my bikini top on, the amount of my cleavage Devin fit into the pic made it look borderline pornographic. The way he’d intentionally angled it, it almost looked like I wasn’t wearing a top at all.
“Oh my God,” I breathed in disbelief. “They’re gonnashit.”
“Now send it,” Devin smiled, lookin pleased with himself. “It was part of the dare.”
I called up our group message, the one the girls and I had used for the past year to stay in touch and communicate details about our potential trip. Then I attached the pic, winced, and hit the SEND button.
“There we go,” Devin said, looking over my shoulder. “Nowthat’sa dare.”
I could only grin and reach for my shirt. Halfway to grabbing it a hand closed over mine.
“Oh no,” said Hayden. “The bikini top stays.”
“Really?” I chuckled.
“Yes. If you’re gonna trick us with a little bit of semantics here and there, we should at least get a consolation prize.”
His eyes were glued to my ample cleavage — the specialty of this particular bathing suit. But I couldn’t argue. I could only go along.
“Alright,” said Reese. “It’s your turn.”
“Double turn,” I corrected him.
He laughed. “Fine. Go.”
Turning to back to face Devin, I smiled innocently and drew my legs up against my chest. “Truth or dare?”
The grin on my face went so wide, it was like I’d won the lottery.
“Tell me what happened in that taxi cab,” I said simply. “During the Million Dollar Meltdown…”