Page 102 of Sexual Healing
“I’m on my way back. Do you want to barbeque tonight?”
“That sounds great. We need to shop.”
“Okay, on my way to get you.”
“Love you, Dan.”
“And I love you.”
She had already quickly showered. Dressing, she knew she was going to get hurt again, but also that he’d come back like he would that afternoon. And that the cycle would repeat, and he’d wind up with someone else, and then back in her bed again.
And right at that minute, that was all she cared about.
“We have one more day of bliss,” Will Peterson said, handing Laura a cup of coffee on Monday morning.
“One more day of not having to work or think about dead people or cheating wives,” she replied. “Women don’t spend the money to investigate their husbands. It’s always about the wife.”
“By the way! Congratulations on the Charlotte Timpson case. You know, it’s all over the news, and you never said a word to me about it.”
“Henry Wong called me on Friday and told me the DNA on the hair I found next to the site where the bodies were recovered had finally come back. It matched Charlotte’s sister, Maria, who stabbed their mother to death.”
“Is that enough evidence to charge her with Charlotte’s murder?” Will asked.
“And her daughter’s murder. I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Henry. She’s not talking, evidently. They don’t know what the motive could be, aside from mental illness. I guess we’ll never know.”
Sitting down next to her on the couch, Will was about to proposition Laura.
“Can you think about dead people and cheating wives for just a little bit longer?”
She looked at him, concerned. “Why?”
“I have a proposition.”
“Is that right?” she asked, grinning at him.
“Leave Jake and let’s open our own place.”
Smirking, she cocked her head to the side. “You mean compete with him?”
“Well, yes, I guess that’s what I mean.”
“My timing might be construed as a little cruel since the guy is ostensibly fighting for his life.”
“Right, and you’re doing all the work. The talk around town is that he’s going to give that business to his soon-to-be new wife.”
“So I’d be working for Dawn instead of myself.”
“Exactly. It’s only fair, since she is going to be his wife. I heard they were tying the knot today.”
“So what do you think?”
“How long have you known about it? I mean, that he’s getting married today?”
“I saw them last week. They were at the lab, having blood drawn for their license.”