Page 55 of Sexual Healing
“I’m on a motorcycle,” he said, laughing.
Soon, everyone was gone but Hocus and Pam, who finished cleaning up.
“Was it a success?” Hocus said.
“It doesn’t have a purpose, that’s what I think. I was a little surprised at how flat it was, were you?”
“They have something up their sleeve,” Hocus said. “I’m glad you weren’t taken in. And we have to figure out what’s going on with Mr. Stevens.”
“Don’t mention him. He’s history. I still can’t believe it. And you know the weird part?”
“You’re relieved,” Hocus replied.
“Yes! I’m relieved! He took a huge burden off my shoulders. I never said I loved him, Hocus. We were having a companionable time. It was nice. But marriage or anything like that? Never. I can’t marry anyone who doesn’t have as much money as I have. I know that sounds mercenary, but after John, the carpenter, forget it.”
“I’m lucky I missed that adventure,” Hocus said.
“Plus, I already lost two men I loved. I don’t want a ringside seat for Jake’s death. I was ready to move the hospital bed in here, and then I saw his ridiculous monster truck at the roadhouse, and he was sitting there with that woman. I wish I knew who she was.”
“I’ll find out,” Hocus said. “You know I can.
Pam disappeared into the master wing to change her shoes. A walk on the beach would clear her head, help her get things orderly again. She’d plan on having her grandchildren for a sleepover that week to usher in the summer. Alone once again, she’d get her needs met by entertaining the children.
When she came out of the bedroom, Dan was waiting on the veranda.
“That’s better,” she said, swooping her finger up and down. “That’s Dan.”
“Khaki shorts and a Pink Floyd T-shirt? I really must disappoint you,” he said, laughing.
“You are the only one who isn’t disappointing me.”
“Oh, Pam, that’s sad.”
“I know, tell me about it.
“Go.” She pointed to the door. “Oh, I’d better bring a bag in case we find beach glass.”
They took their time strolling along the surf.
“What do you think will happen with Rene?”
“Who knows? We’ll either fall madly in love for a month or two, or she’ll never speak to me again.”
“Dan, take it slow, will you?”
“I don’t know how to take it slow,” he answered.
“If the girl won’t put the reins on, you do it. Don’t go back to your house or to her house. Stay out, and then say goodbye and go home alone. Look, if she’s the one, it’s worth taking time with her, or you’re going to screw it up and be back to online dating.”
“I can’t do that,” he whined.
“You have no choice if you’ve already dated everyone in Babylon. What attracted you to Rene besides the fact that she could be Lisa’s sister?”
“I do like blondes,” he said. “But she’s funny and bold. You saw the way she didn’t hesitate to insult me.”
“She was trying to talk some sense into you,” Pam said. “You shouldn’t be riding a motorcycle when you haven’t been on one for years.”
“It’s like riding a bike. The only difference is the traffic is much worse than it was twenty years ago.