Page 75 of Sexual Healing
Lisa wasn’t conniving. It truly wasn’t her nature. But where her family was concerned, especially her siblings, she was a mother tiger, the aggression easily hidden from the enemy when it was necessary.
“I wondered if you’d get in touch.”
“Can you take a break? I don’t want to chat over the counter, and I really don’t want to chat in front of that security camera.”
“I can take a break,” Lily replied, wiping her hands on her apron.
Watching Lily move, Lisa couldn’t believe Dan had had sex with Lily, who had the biggest breasts she’d ever seen, at least in Babylon. And she was almost as tall as he was. It was unnerving.
“If anyone comes in, Carmen is in back. She can do the counter. Get a table, and I’ll be right around.”
Preferring to keep the conversation as private as possible, Lisa didn’t even want to be seen with Lily. The fear that she would say something about her relationship with Ryan was foremost in her mind. A table near the back was the best bet, away from passersby on the sidewalk.
In a minute, Lily appeared with a tray of coffee and bagels. “I wondered if you’d answer my email.”
“Why’d you do it?”
“I wanted you to know I knew.”
“You’re threatening me, Lily.”
Pontificating, Lily explained her beliefs regarding such things. “I’m not even sure I care if it’s illegal. It’s the idea of incest. I can’t stand it.”
“But that’s on you,” Lisa said. “Ryan and I fell in love before we knew. It was innocent.”
“I’ve talked to Alan,” Lily said, sitting up a little straighter.
“Stone? The detective? Why?”
“I just wanted to get his opinion. But, as I’m the last to know, he’s another loyalfriend of the family.”
“Lily, it’s because it’s not a big deal unless you make it one. My family is about the most boring, straight-laced family you’ll ever meet. We have straight, boring sex, not even a kinky bone in our bodies.”
Lily had a moment, remembering having anal sex with Dan, and she shivered, the memory so intense, it was unlike anything she’d ever done before, and the experience was all based on his over-the-top response. Watching blond, patrician Lisa talking, Lily doubted she’d ever done anything like it. She tried to reel it in; the key was to stay focused.
“He’s your brother, Lisa,” she hissed, trying to cover up her own issues with condemnation. “If you’d been raised together, imagine the implications.”
“Yeah, but we weren’t, Lily.”
“You guys look related, exactly like brother and sister.”
Feeling like she was losing control of the situation, Lisa took a sip of coffee, trying to think of something. While Lily continued her holier-than-thou diatribe, the wheels in Lisa’s mind were turning. She thought of a piece of gossip she’d heard. Dan had confided in Ryan, not figuring in pillow talk. Lily went both ways. It wasn’t illegal to be bisexual, but Lily didn’t want anyone to know because if her hyper-religious parents found out, they’d disown her.
“Don’t you have something in your life you don’t want anyone to know about?” Lisa asked, digging.
“Not really. I’m about as boring as they come, probably more than you are. Dan breaking up with me was pretty devastating. We had the most amazing night. I exposed myself to him like I have never done before. He’d just said he wanted to get serious, and then the minute he finds out about my confrontation with Adam, he dumps me.”
This gave Lisa an idea.
“You know, Lily, after Dan dumpedme, I had an affair with his former girlfriend.”
“What?” Lily asked in a clipped voice, leaning forward, her breasts resting on the table. “What are you talking about? Like a lesbian lover?”
Amused, Lisa was thrilled; her admission had met its mark. Lily’s lip twitched, and she flushed a deep red, starting at her ample cleavage and working its way up into her face.
“Oh, yes. Dan Junior’s mother, Cara Ellison. She and I were lovers. We lived together, shared a bed, had the most intense sex. It was all public. We never hid it. I truly loved her. In the end, she broke up with me.”
Fumbling a bagel, Lily had flushed; her eyes were brighter, clearly agitated. She wiped her hands on her apron, biting her lip, trying to speak but having trouble getting the words out. Finally, success.