Page 80 of Sexual Healing
“Oh, are you the kind of guy who picks fights with douches?”
“No. I’m too old for that crap.”
He stopped the car and quickly got out to open her door.
“Well, isn’t that nice.”
She looked at him sidelong. A gentleman who called another guy a douche. It felt contradictory. She hoped he wasn’t an asshole. The night was a giant unknown. There was a lot of sexual chemistry, at least Rene felt it, and she guessed that since Dan had asked her for a date, that revealed that it was true for him. His body gave her the chills. He walked a little ahead of her, holding her hand, stopping at the cross lanes to make sure there wereno maniacs drag racing through the parking lot.
Inside, heads turned when Dan walked in with the beautiful blonde. The hostess leaned in to a server. “Does he ever date an ugly woman?”
“Look at him! What do you think?”
While they were led to a table, Jake called out his name. “Dan!”
Dan turned to look, and there was the redhead. “Shit.”
“I take it that’s the douche.”
“He broke up with Pam for that woman.”
“No comparison,” Rene whispered. “Are you going to acknowledge him?”
“No, I’ll wave and smile. If that’s not enough, he can get his skinny ass over here.”
They slid into the booth across from each other.
“He’s a little young for Pam, now that I think about it,” Rene said.
“She’s young at heart.”
Opening the menu, he flipped through the pages. “The combo is really good.”
“I don’t think I can eat thirty dollars’ worth of barbeque. I’ll get the fish and salad. I’m glad my toothbrush is in my purse.”
“Ha! Pam always kept dental floss in her purse.” He chuckled at the memory. “‘Just like Mom,’ she’d say.”
“I guess you dated her?”
“I did. On and off for a long time.”
“What happened?”
He looked up from the menu and had a quick decision to make. Truth or lies.
“I betrayed her. It was unintentional. I repeated something to my sister that she’d told me in confidence. That was enough for her.”
“I’m sorry. We women are weird about our secrets. Would you still be together if that hadn’t happened?”
“No. I have a rep. I’m trying to change.”
“A rep in what way?” Now they were getting somewhere.
“I’ve had a hard time remaining faithful. I cheated on my first wife. That was the only time. My second marriage ended because my wife cheated on me with my best friend, not the other way around. As a matter of fact, the label of cheater shouldn’t apply to me at all. All the other relationships I had, now that I think of it, I was the betrayed one.”
He looked off to a place above Rene’s left shoulder. “I just had an epiphany. I’m not the cheater! Once doth not a cheater make.”
Now they were getting somewhere. Grinning at Dan, Rene wondered about all these other relationships but decided the first date was not the place to unload.