Page 15 of Doctor Knows Best
“You can never use too much oregano,” she said.
Poppy Karas was happiest being around her husband and children. No longer that interested in cooking, but since her family seemed to enjoy it, she relented and once a week made all the traditional dishes just to keep it alive. Her daughter hated to cook, but Jason and Ted were interested. The only problem was neither of them had much time.
“Someday, I want to learn how to make this,” Jason said, dishing up pastitsio, which was macaroni with a layer of meat and béchamel sauce on top.
“Easy-peasy,” Poppy said. She looked around at everyone. “So! Is Christmas going to be the same this year?”
“Why mess with perfection?” John said.
“I agree,” Maria replied. “I have something packed into every minute that the kids are off on break. I wish we could close the garage the week between Christmas and New Year.”
“Once Jason finish’s college, we’ll do that,” John said. “We’ll go to Orlando.”
“Only six more months till Jason’s big day,” Ted said, proud of his big brother.
“Can I pass on Orlando though?” Jason asked.
“Disney is even more fun when you’re an adult,” Maria said. “Just wait.”
“By then, you might be married,” Poppy said.
“Maybe,” Jason replied, grinning.
“What do you have to tell us?” Maria asked, surprised. “What did I miss?”
“Do you have the paper, Dad?” Jason asked.
John pushed his plate aside, pulled the newspaper out from under the counter, and handed it over. Leafing through it to the entertainment section, he grinned at seeing what ostensibly looked like a prom picture of Lily and Jason crowned king and queen of the casino’s Christmas ball.
“Here you go,” he said, handing the paper to his mother.
They crowded around while Ted read out loud.
“Last night at the casino’s annual Christmas ball held in lavish splendor in the Greektown Room, Jason Karas of John’sTowing and law student Lily Fairchild were crowned the king and queen of the ball. After racking up points for their montage of dance moves and winning the annual Dance Styles contest, they were chosen as the Best-Dressed Couple, as well. Karas admitted his tuxedo was from his high school prom, and Lily Fairchild said her dress was a bridesmaid’s dress from last June. Wherever their clothing came from, they made a striking couple. Casino representatives say they’ve been invited back to compete in the annual New Year’s Eve Extravaganza.”
The family looked at him, expressions ranging from confusion to awe.
“Since when do you dance?” Maria asked.
“When did you take your tux?” his mother asked, frowning, sad that her children were slowly removing their lives from her house.
“The girl’s father is going to see that and cut his vacation short,” his father offered.
“I still can’t picture my brother on the dance floor,” Ted said.
Jason just laughed, understanding that his image in his family’s eyes was set in stone.
“There’s something about Lily that makes me feel free,” Jason tried to explain. “I have fun with her.”
“Well, that’s another thing,” Maria said. “You’re the dependable guy. Not the fun guy.”
Poppy spat out something at her in Greek that made the family laugh. “Your brother never had the chance to have fun because his nose was always to the grindstone. That’s my fault.”
“Mom, you can’t make this about you,” Maria replied. “We’re the worker-bee family. You need someone dependable, ask a Karas to do the job.”
“Especially if there’s no money involved,” Ted said. “I’m over it, too. No more charity work for me if everyone else is getting paid.”
“We have the word sucker written across our foreheads,” Maria said.