Page 29 of Doctor Knows Best
“Do you have any rules for me tonight?”
Lily swirled her head around, stunned. “Jason, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Are there any topics I should avoid with your folks? I don’t want to make things any worse than they already are.”
“My father is impossible, and it has nothing to do with you. Just be yourself. If he insults you, we’ll leave.”
“My skin is pretty thick,” Jason said. “I don’t think there’s much Herbert could say that would offend me.”
“Okay, well, if he insults me, we’ll leave,” she replied.
They arrived and Lily groaned. “I bet they’ve been standing in the door waiting like that for the last ten minutes.”
“Are we late?” Jason asked, looking at his watch. “I hate being late.”
“We’re early,” she mumbled. “Let’s get this over with.”
She waited in the car so her parents could see Jason opening her door, and although she really hated that she was feeding into their pettiness, anything she could do to show how good Jason was, she would do.
Walking up the walkway hand in hand, they waved, smiling, the perfect couple going to Christmas dinner with Mom and Dad.
“Merry Christmas!” Suzette called out, waving.
“Close the door,” Herbert grumbled. “You’re letting all the heat out.”
“Merry Christmas, Dad,” Lily replied. “You know Jason.”
Suzette put her arms out to hug Lily and Jason, and Herbert stayed back with a sneer on his face. “Come in the house,” he said. “Don’t stand at the door like you don’t live here.”
“Let’s sit in the living room,” Suzette said. “I have snacks and drinks while you open your gifts.”
Lily had forgotten the time-honored tradition of her parents hovering over her while she opened gifts. Wanting to refuse, to say she’d come by another day to do so was just asking for a fight, so she bit her tongue and let her mother lead them into the room.
Festive with the lights and candles and roaring fire, Lily smiled in spite of herself. “This room was made for Christmas,” she said. Turning to her parents, she smiled. “Thank you for having us.”
“Yes, thank you,” Jason said. “And thank you for helping with our beautiful tree.”
Lily closed her eyes, and Suzette blanched. The one forbidden topic, and she’d forgotten to warn Jason.
“What tree?” Herbert asked.
“Mom helped me decorate a tree at Jason’s house, Dad. That’s all.”
“And where was I when this was happening?”
Jason got it and flushed, not knowing what to say to make it better. Evidently, there was a topic he should avoid and, of course, the first thing out of his mouth was that very thing.
“You were here, at home,” Suzette said. “On Monday, when Lily and I shopped, she took me by Jason’s apartment in Greektown, and we decided to decorate. It was fun, helping my daughter with her first tree.”
“Why sneak around, then? Why not share the news with me?” Herbert said, seething.
“Because I wanted to avoid a scene. Can we move on?”
Stunned, Lily had never heard her mother cross Herbert, ever.
“Jason, let me take your coat,” Suzette said, giving him a reassuring smile.