Page 35 of Doctor Knows Best
“Don’t call me, Jason.”
Those cruel words rang through her head. She’d broken up with him without breaking up, just shutting him out of her life. What did she expect from him after that? Always the gentleman, Jason didn’t stalk her or make demands. He just faded out of her life, like she had asked.
Sitting in the roasting car, she bowed her head again and began to cry. She missed Jason, almost succeeding in wiping him out of her mind. Poppy Karas had opened up the vault of memories she’d sealed, of the first time they made love, of him teasing her at the café, of the ball at the casino. It was a week of bliss wiped out in seconds by the death of her father.
Finally, she started the car and turned the air on. Driving through the parking lot on the trip home, a plan began to formulate. She’d have to talk to Suzette first. Her mother was doing surprisingly well, seeing one of their old friends, a widower, romantically. Suzette had someone already, and Lily was alone.
Pulling into the driveway, she saw Roger’s car was there. Something clicked in Lily’s brain. She wasn’t going to ask her mother if she minded being alone. She was going to tell her she was leaving. It might only be temporary because if she surprised Jason by showing up in Philadelphia, he might be so angry with her that he’d send her on her way.
Soft music filtered through the screen door, and Suzette’s light laughter. It appeared her mother was having fun. Opening the door, she saw Roger with his arm around her mother’s shoulders, and a shot of jealousy cruised through her.
“Looks like you two are having fun,” Lily said, forcing a smile.
“Hi, dear, how was your day?” Suzette asked.
“It was okay until about an hour ago. Can I turn that music off? I need to say something to you.”
Roger got up and shut the radio off. “Sorry. Friday night and all,” he said, smiling.
Lily stood in front of them, her hands clasped, planning what to say. “I’ll just come out with it.”
“Go ahead,” Suzette said, leaning forward. “What is it?”
“You seem to be okay, so I’m going to Philadelphia to see Jason. I have to come right back because the bar is in two weeks. But if he’ll forgive me, I’m going to move to Philadelphia to be with him.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Suzette replied.
“There’s nothing to say because he might send me on my way. I’ll be crushed, but I guess I deserve it.”
Suzette had tried reasoning with Lily when she moved back home, letting her know she was fine living alone, that Lily should return to Jason. But Lily had refused to discuss it, her stubbornness exactly like her father. Sacrificing her relationship with Jason because she felt obligated to move back home just didn’t ring true. Suzette thought Lily was just afraid, willing to give up a life with Jason because she didn’t feel like she was deserving of the happiness a lifetime with him could bring.
“When are you leaving?” she asked, coming over to her daughter.
“I’m going to try to get a flight out in the morning. It only takes twelve hours to drive there, but I only have forty-eight. Judge Horn wouldn’t appreciate it if I didn’t show up for work on Monday.”
“Lily, I blame myself for all of this,” Suzette said.
“Mom, no. I’m not going to listen to you.”
“Please, Lily. You watched me tolerate your father’s mental abuse from the time you were a little girl. He even tried it on you. I didn’t protect you from his torment, and this is the result.”
“Maybe I should go,” Roger said, walking to the door.
“Roger, don’t go on my account,” Lily said. “Mom, I’m old enough to move on. I know it’s not my fault dad died.”
“And it was wrong of him to put that on you. We had a horrible fight about it shortly before he died. If anyone is responsible for his death, it’s me. But I have already paid my dues. It’s time for both of us to move on, guilt-free. Is that a deal?”
The women reached for each other and embraced, and then in an attempt to keep things light, they drew Roger into the huddle.
The next morning at five a.m., Roger pulled up to take Lily to Metro Airport. “I can’t believe you wanted to do this for me,” Lily said. “At this hour, no less.”
“I’m trying to get brownie points with your mom,” he said, chuckling.
“Well, this will do it.”
They made it to the airport, and she got through security and boarding without a hitch. The flight was less than two hours long, and when it came time to get off, she almost lost her nerve. What could she say to him? Surprise! Here I am, ready or not. What if he had a girl in his apartment? Arriving unannounced was stupid. She almost hoped Suzette had called him and that he was expecting her.
Cabs lined up outside the baggage department vied for her attention. She handed the first one the slip of paper with the address. “Right in town,” he said. “University City. Twenty minutes, tops.”