Page 40 of Beach Bodies
“I just remembered that Lisa told me those are the exact drugs Ryan takes,” Laura said.
“They’re commonly prescribed. But there’s something else. She was pregnant.”
“Oh my God. Now that was unexpected.”
“Tell me about it,” Will replied. “We could tell who the father of the baby is by the baby’s DNA in Lily’s blood, but we need blood from the father.”
“Will, that’s intense. That means that the father’s DNA is in the mother’s blood, too. Right? So doesn’t that leave vestiges of him within the mother?”
“Thatisintense, Laura. Where do you come up with these things?”
“Just something else to make me nuts thinking about. It almost makes the mother and father related.”
“Yikes! Where do we even start looking for the father of Lily’s baby?”
“Well, as much as I hate to say it, Dan Chua, for starters. But he swears he hadn’t even talked to her since Pam’s Memorial Day picnic.”
“Yeah, this is a tough one.”
“Okay, moving on,” Laura said. “I’ll find out if she had prescriptions for those drugs. I don’t think Alan would share that with me if he knew.”
“Probably not. It would be a good reason to see her parents.”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Laura said.
“What was the outcome of Alan Stone visiting your sister?”
“I never heard back from her. I’ll make that call to Alan, too.”
“Okay. I hate to hang up, but I’d better get back to work. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Will.”
Laura debated going to Lisa’s or calling her. Unloading the dishwasher, her least favorite task, would help her organize her thoughts. Stretching to place wine goblets in a high cupboard, she happened to glance to her right to see Lisa standing at the door, hand raised to knock on the glass.
Laura waved when they made eye contact and went to the door.
“This is so weird,” Laura said, reaching to hug her. “I was just debating whether to call you or go to your cottage.”
“You must have been sending me telepathic messages.”
“Have a seat,” Laura said, pointing to the sofa. “Do you want coffee?”
“Is it too early for wine?”
“Um, maybe,” Laura answered, cackling. “Coffee first?”
“Oh, all right. Cream and sugar, and lots of it, please.”
“I have pastries,” Laura called out. “Not from Organic Bonanza.”
“I’ll have a pastry.”
She carried in the coffee mugs and a box of cream horns on a tray. “I’m trying to stay away from sugar, so what do I do? When I’m out and about, I buy a dozen of these bad boys.”
“Why are you staying away from sugar? You’re a rail. And Will doesn’t need to watch it, either.”
“I’m trying to get pregnant, and we’ve done everything known to man and nothing is working. Someone mentioned staying away from sugar and grain, so here we are.”