Page 47 of Beach Bodies
“Let me get a quick shower,” he said.
“Aw, I’ll take one with you,” Shelly said, determined that he wasn’t going to wash Lily off his body until she’d had a chance to check him out. “Come inside. I have something to show you.”
She led him to the dining room, and there on the table was the platter of pancakes and whipped cream and chocolate syrup, just like he’d had on their first date.
“You were at Shore Pizza tonight?” She noticed he’d gone a little pale.
“I was! I thought about doing this all day. I love you so much, Alan, and today is the anniversary of the day we met! I can’t believe it, can you? Are you surprised?”
“I’m shocked,” he said.
“I reserved part of the whipped cream and chocolate sauce for a special act I’m going to perform on you. So, before we shower, eat up!”
She pulled his chair out for him and sat next to him, listening to his praises and the motions he went through trying to be happy, trying to get into the mood, all fake and all transparent.
They made small talk, and she watched him struggle to stay engaged, but she controlled her anger.
When he was done eating, she literally had to drag him to the shower, and with soapy hands, she got his penis in working order, although it took some effort. With whipped cream and chocolate sauce, she did an academy-award-worthy acting job, and he finally yielded to it, and even seemed to enjoy it.
“Wow! Now it’s your turn,” he said, reaching for her.
“You know, I’m done for the night,” she replied, smirking at him. “I’m exhausted. Can I have a rain check?”
He frowned. “Sure. I’m just a little surprised.”
“Don’t be, Alan. It’s been a rough week all around.”
Getting out of bed to retrieve her clothing, she bent over bare-assed in front of him, flaunting her slender, healthy body, hoping he got a good look and was comparing her to porcine Lily. Before he could get back into the bathroom, she swooped up his clothes and took them to the laundry room. There, on his white T-shirt, she found lipstick and a dried substance that had to be his semen. She carefully folded the shirt and stuffed it into a plastic bag. Her plan for revenge slowly unfolded.
Chapter 7
Lily’s death didn’t outwardly impact the community. Shelly Markham moved through time after learning Alan had destroyed Dan and Julie Hsu’s marriage, and witnessing Lily Porter and Alan having sex by exercising her body unmercifully. On the four days a week she didn’t work, she ran around Babylon for hours, regardless of the weather. Alan didn’t notice, and her disdain toward him definitely cooled her ardor. Going through the motions of living, cleaning, shopping, and cooking, and even sleeping in the same bed, they didn’t interact. There were no more long nights of lovemaking and pillow talk.
Just when she was at the end of her tolerance, her father called her and saved the day.Occasionally, when she had a day off work, Shelly met him for an activity: golf, tennis, or shooting at the range.
“Hey, you want to target practice today?”
“Yes! I’d love it. Will you have lunch afterward?”
“If you can stay away from Alan that long, I’d love to lunch with you,” Dr. Markham answered.
“I’m sure Alan will be busy all weekend, Dad. It’s his MO. Work, work, work.”
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry. I thought I warned you about cops.”
“You did, Dad, and I should have listened. It’s twenty-four seven, and I’m not sure it’s all work, either.” She was sure it wasn’t all work, but she had enough pride not to admit that to her father. Not yet anyway.
“Oh, that’s not good. Have you confronted him?”
“Dad, Alan is a consummate liar. I can’t say more than that right now, okay? It’s all I can do to keep it together so I can function.”
“Shelly, this is awful news. You need to confront him.”
“I have a plan. I just need time to carry it out.”
After they hung up, Shelly got ready to meet her father at the gun range.He’d purchased her gun, a 9mm Ruger, so she’d have her own firearm when they got together.