Page 66 of Beach Bodies
“It’s not candy and flowers, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“You’re a sexist pig.”
It was a big envelope from the lab with the wordsDNA Resultsstamped across the front.
“What results?” Samantha asked.
“That T-shirt is the only thing I can think of.”
He carefully lifted the flap and pulled out a heavy piece of paper, ready to be presented as evidence.
Regarding the T-shirt submitted for examination.Based on tested results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of DNA attributed to the donors is 99.9998%.
The red marks along the bottom of the shirt have been identified as lipstick, and it is mixed with saliva, positive with DNA from Lily Porter.
The dried mucoid stains are identified as semen, positive with DNA from Alan Stone, mixed with saliva from Lily Porter.
“Well, what the hell,” Henry said, incredulous. “I really didn’t believe it.”
“Let me see that,” Samantha snapped, snatching it out of his hands.
Rubbing his forehead, Henry waited. It just didn’t ring true.
“She was blowing him and wiped her mouth on his shirt. Okay? That’s disgusting. So, we have this and the gun covered with his prints. What more do you need?”
“Who sent me the T-shirt? Someone who had access to Alan Stone’s dirty clothes.”
“It points to the ex-fiancée,” Samantha said. “Let’s talk to the DA.”
“She’s gone for the night. It’s after ten.”
“Tough shit. I’m calling her.”
Samantha keyed in the prosecutor’s number, and Alison answered on the first ring.
“I see your name. I figured it would be Wong bugging me this late.”
“He refused,” Samantha said, telling her about the DNA evidence on the T-shirt. “What do you think?”
“I’m not sure. It looks like a setup. It would be nice to find out who sent the shirt to Henry. What did the ex-fiancée say?”
“She can’t believe it. We have the gun safe.”
“What do you think that will prove?”
“It should support the theory that he took the gun to use on Lily. Hopefully, it’s loaded with his prints.”
“Let me know,” Alison said before hanging up.
“This feels too easy, don’t you think?” Samantha said, turning to Henry. “What about the video of the gun being planted? And why there, across the street from Chua’s house, where Shelly Markham just happens to be living? It’s too convenient.”
“It’s all conjecture,” Henry said. “Alan had a motive; she was pregnant with his baby, and he was engaged to Shelly.”
“Yeah, but they broke up.”
“They didn’t break up until after Lily was murdered, remember that. It’s key.”
“I’ve had enough for one day,” Samantha said.