Page 70 of Beach Bodies
“I was lonely,” Dan said. “Pam won’t budge. I want to get married and have a stepmother for my children, and Pam isn’t into it. Shelly might be.”
“Dan, don’t expose your kids to Shelly.”
“I know, I meant before all this shit hit the fan. I’m just biding my time. I hope she’s innocent.”
“But you know she’s probably not.”
“Right. She’s probably not.”
“Dan, I run the risk of betraying Will when I tell you this, but if you would have dealt with your mental health issues, we’d still be together. What’s up with you?”
“I don’t know. It’s probably hopeless. I’ll always regret that I didn’t do it for you.”
“That was never the issue. I wouldn’t deal with your inability to commit. And not with me, because we never got that far, but with everyone else.”
“I guess that’s not a problem for Will.”
“No, he’s true blue. I hope you’ll get to know him someday.”
“I know him, Laura, and I think he’s a straight-up guy, an honorable man. You deserve someone like Will.”
“Thank you, Dan. Who do you deserve?”
“I don’t know.”
“You need to deal with your mental problems so you don’t fuck up your daughter. I’m surprised Julie and Lisa aren’t on your ass about it constantly.”
“Lisa is. Margaret isn’t old enough to be affected by me yet.”
“It’s going to come up fast, and it might be too late. Don’t let your daughter learn what to accept from a man by watching your bad behavior.”
“Ouch! Thanks.”
“What do you expect? She’s going to be aware of everything you do, trust me.”
That evening, Laura talked with Henry Wong, who got a warrant for a wiretap. Someone would sneak over in the morning before she went for her run with Shelly and get her wired up.
“Remember, she lives right across the street, so be careful when you come over. Don’t show up in a squad car.”
“I’ll remember that,” he said.
When Will came in late, Laura was asleep on the couch. The fire had gone out and it was chilly in the cottage. The rattle of the grate when he added more logs woke her up.
“I’m so sorry. This damn grate is ready to collapse. Time to get a new one.” He stood up and went to kiss her. “What happened while I was gone?”
“Well, I’m getting wired tomorrow. Henry got a warrant for a wiretap.”
“Now I’m worried.”
“I’m worried too, but more for Dan than me. He’s there with her all night.”
“Dan can handle himself. I don’t think she’d risk killing another person so soon, do you?”
She laughed, agreeing. “I have something we need to do tonight. I was going to wait, but now I can’t.”
He held her by her shoulders, looking into her eyes. “You’re late.”
“How’d you know?”