Page 13 of Just for Her
“You’ll regret it,” she said, pulling out the makings for a roast beef sandwich. “Although this will be the last of the roast for a while. I’ll tell Luanne to lay off the beef.”
“She’ll resort to Dominican, so you’d better be sure that’s what you want.”
“I love her gumbo, shush. She thinks she’s doing us a favor, cooking from my mother’s Betty Crocker cookbook.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Dave said, sliding in behind her. “Forget lunch. Let’s make love.”
She turned around in his arms, facing him. “I’d love it,” she murmured.
He took her hand and led her to their bedroom, their little boy awake and making sound effects but safe in his crib.
Later that afternoon, Katrina sent text messages to her girlfriends.We just had unprotected sex. Hurry and catch up.
Reading the text, Maggie frowned and replied to all.Justin is still at Chris’s house, painting. Will a few hours make a big difference? Besides, Rhonda is here. I’m going for a ride in about five minutes.
Annie read their texts and smiled; they’d already had sex that day and she was on the pill, so there was no chance she’d get pregnant. And she didn’t want to get pregnant and not be married. She’d already done that and it hadn’t turned out well. This time, she wanted to do everything right. Get married in a church wedding,thenget pregnant.
She answered Maggie first.Have a wonderful time out and about! If you want, I’ll tell Justin to get home and take care of business.
Maggie read the response and burst into laughter.I’d rather ride, if you don’t mind. Delete. Talk to you two later.
In the backyard of Creole Cottage, little Davie ran wild in his fully fenced play yard, while his parents sat on the covered terrace drinking iced tea.
“What did you think of Chris’s wife?” Katrina asked.
“She’s old,” Dave said. “That was a surprise.”
“She’s your brother’s age, honey,” Katrina said, frowning. She wouldn’t have thought Dave would make an issue of age. “All men want these days are younger women. It’s concerning. When I get old, are you going to pine away for someone young enough to be your daughter?”
“I hope not,” he said, grunting when she backhanded him in the gut. “She looks healthy to me.”
“Well, that’s the thing. Annie said Justin told them the problem she has only has a two percent chance of causing her any trouble. So why the big deal?”
“I think it’s the timing,” Dave said. “My brother falls in love, buys a house, and gets engaged to someone thirteen years younger than he is, and the following week, his ex has a life-threatening health issue, I might add at the same time her husband leaves her. It sounds like a recipe for the perfect storm.”
“What did you think of her? Besides that she’s old,” Katrina asked, snickering.
“She’s attractive, I’ll admit that. Kind of like a cross between Suzanne Somers…”
“Dave, she’s in her seventies now. You have to do better than that.”
“Hey, my dad was crazy about her!”
“Okay, someone half her age, please.”
“I guess Nicole Kidman with plastic surgery.”
Katrina roared with laughter. “Nicole Kidman is fifty and I’m sure she’s had a ton of plastic surgery. But that’s a good one. And who was the cross going to be? You said a cross between Suzanne Somers and—”
“Meryl Streep.”
“Ha! Another seventy-year-old. Pick someone younger.”
Slapping her thigh when she laughed, she nodded. “Yes! Barbie. I wonder if Annie would agree. Her eyes got all squinty when Cindy kissed Chris on the cheek. Did you notice that?”
“I noticed the kiss. My brother didn’t lean into it, but I had the feeling they might have done more recently. Did you? So, yeah. Poor Annie. We’ll have to give her a lot of support because I don’t have a good feeling about this.”