Page 64 of Just for Her
“He’s sleeping again. They gave him Tylenol at the day care center so he’ll be out for a while. But he seemed fine. No fever, either.”
“Luke and my cousin, Bridget, are coming over tonight so they can meet the boys. Why don’t you get a sitter and I’ll come to get you?”
“Aw, you’re so sweet, but I’d better not expose everyone to him if he’s contagious. Guys, come in and have a seat.” Then she turned to Ben and Joel. “I’m so sorry about Cindy. I’ve been thinking about her all day, wishing I had had more time to talk to her on Saturday. I read that she was a math teacher.”
“Yep, high school, too. Crazy,” Joel said. “She liked you from the first meeting, Annie. She spoke highly of you to Val and his wife.”
“Yes, Chris told me. I’m sorry you both heard that story from Elizabeth. She’s known me all my life so I was a little taken aback that she made a big deal out of it.”
Chris placed his hand on her back, ready to change the subject. “How’s the thesis coming?”
“I’m getting work done, thankfully. If I keep this up, I’ll be done long before I need to present it. Anyway, I heard from Maggie that you boys are moving in permanently.”
She took the opportunity to flash Chris a look. Later, she’d give him hell for having to hear the news from her friend.
In their excitement, the boys countenance completely changed, from grieving to jubilation.
“Look, I’m heartbroken about my mom,” Joel said. “But having a chance to live with my father in such a cool place and getting to know you better, Annie, is a positive trade-off to staying with my stepfather who is not going to recover unless something dramatic happens.”
“Yeah, Kirk is not doing well,” Ben said, frowning.
“Oh! Was it okay to leave him behind?” Annie asked.
“That’s what I wondered,” Chris answered. “You know I was ready to stay there until I had to go back to work, but these two insisted on getting the house ready. So here we are.”
“Wow, well, that’s pretty exciting. The silver lining, I think you’d call it,” Annie said, not believing it for a second.
“What’s this out here?” Ben asked, pointing to the terrace and walking through the French doors. “Jeez! You’re on a creek?”
Chris followed him out and they walked down to the water.
“I was hoping to get some time with you, but my father acts like I might steal you away from him,” Joel said, standing next to Annie and obviously taking a deep breath.
“Are you sniffing me?” she asked, moving away from him.
“You smell so good. What is that?”
“Sweat, seawater, and boat motor exhaust.”
“Ha! You’re hysterical and you have the best sense of humor.”
Annie frowned, looking at him. “What’s your point?”
“My dad is a lucky guy, that’s all. If you ever get sick of the old man…”
“Yeah, that ain’t happening. Not in this lifetime, anyway.”
Ben and Chris came back and Chris saw the body language of his virile son and his girlfriend who was backed into a corner with a grimace on her face.
“What’s going on?”
“Joel’s telling me know lucky you are to have me,” she said while Joel started laughing.
“Just keep your distance, son,” Chris said, grabbing Annie and dipping her, passionately kissing her in front of Joel and Ben who grinned at the display.
“Anyway, we won’t keep you,” Chris said, lifting her upright. “We have a car full of food that we need to get home.”
“Spencers? I thought I smelled fried chicken.”