Page 66 of Just for Her
Holding each other, his kisses helped to erase all the doubt that had grown for her. She loved him, that was for sure.
“I want you, too, Chris.”
“I love you so much. I’m so sorry about everything. This is one of those crises you read about that test a couple’s love for each other. It’s just made me determined to work harder on our relationship.”
“I think we’re fine,” Annie said, taking his hand. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him down next to her. “It’s everything else that’s messed up. So tell me, how was your party?”
“Justin came without Maggie—no sitter. Luke and Bridget came alone, too—their nanny lives in now. It was nice. My boys were intrigued with Bridget’s story, beginning with having her DNA done which led to us meeting, and then her tour of duty overseas. Anyway, it was a nice family time. I only wished you were there with me.”
“Someday, I will be.”
He ran his hands through his hair. “I want you to move in now.”
“Chris, I want to wait. I don’t know your sons. Let me get to know them and see if we even get along. They might resent me coming on too fast. They just lost their mother. Give them space to grieve rather than expecting them to accept me so fast.”
“It didn’t look like Joel was having much trouble accepting you.”
“I hope that doesn’t turn out to be a problem. He’s pretty aggressive.”
“I’ll nip that in the bud right away. If we were already living together, they’d be the ones needing to accept the situation.”
“We don’t know that, Chris. It’s better this way. Let your boys get to know you again, okay?”
“If that’s what you want, I guess there’s nothing else I can do.”
Before she answered, she thought about what he said. “There is something else you can do. Start by being honest with me, no matter how you think I might respond. I have to hear news from you. Not Maggie or Justin or Katrina and Dave. This triangulation of couples is beginning to get on my nerves. I feel left out as it is. You confiding our business to my friends is more than I want to deal with right now.”
“Annie, I’m so sorry. I just mentioned in passing that the boys were staying. It wasn’t intentional, not telling you first.”
“Okay, well, just be aware that is how it’s coming across. I should be the one telling them, not the other way around.”
They spent the next hour talking about the boys and their change of plans, and when Annie yawned, she’d made the decision they weren’t having sex.
“I’m so tired, would you be disappointed if we waited until tomorrow to do it?”
“I guess not,” he said, stifling a yawn. “Can I still stay here?”
“You’re welcome to stay here. Stevie will be so happy to see you when he gets up.”
After his breathing became regular with just a hint of a snore, she rolled over on her side, thinking about the day. Epiphany. Two thousand years ago, the magi arrived at the manger, bearing gifts. She tried to find some parallels with her own life and there wasn’t one, not yet. So much had happened that day, there had to be something positive in it.
And then she thought of the wonderful boat ride she took with her friends that afternoon. It was a little rushed, as times together were apt to be when their kids were with sitters. They had laughed so hard that Annie and Katrina had tears rolling down their faces, listening to Maggie’s antics.
Maggie was really the glue that held the friendships together. She made the move to Cypress Cove and then even though she didn’t invite them to move in with her, when the opportunity arose for a visit, Maggie’s magnetism overpowered them and neither friend returned to Pensacola.
Giggling into her pillow, Annie decided to say that to Maggie the next day. She rolled onto her back and listened to Chris breathing. He’d had a rough month; finding out he was a product of rape was one of the biggest hurts to overcome. That his mother had died by suicide was the worst. Not a guy who shared his feelings all that much, Annie knew that the effort he was making for her now was huge considering what had just transpired. She determined then, in the spirit of Epiphany, not to make it worse for him. She wasn’t going to move in with him and his boys right away, but she’d be careful not to place blame. Rolling over to face him, she got up on her elbow and kissed his ear, smoothing her hand down his chest and below his waist, gently waking him.
“Good morning,” he muttered in a husky, sleep-ridden voice. It didn’t take long for Chris to pull her on top of him.
“It’s not morning, sweetheart. It’s still the middle of the night.”
“My penis doesn’t tell time.”
Annie collapsed into laughter, lying on his chest, the vibrations of her laughter tickling him.
“It’s awake,” Annie said. “I want to take advantage of it. You can go back to sleep.”
“Forget it. I’m wide awake now. I guess this isn’t the kind of thing we’d be doing if my sons were awake in the next room.”