Page 83 of Just for Her
“Was it?” Maggie asked. “I guess I need to tell them I’m not ready. At least not tonight. Maybe when Lent starts…”
“Maybe we need to talk about the control alcohol has on our lives.”
“Look, Justin, I like my wine, okay? I don’t drink that much. At least I don’t think I do. A glass a night doesn’t seem like a problem.” She opened a napkin and put it on her lap. “Does it seem like a problem to you?”
“Only that we’re planning our family around it,” he said, knowing he was treading dangerously.
Rather than have an argument about this issue, which she could happily start, she chose to let it be.
“Truthfully, I thought it was a great idea. But if you think it’s an issue…”
“We don’t have to dwell on it,” he said, squeezing her arm. “Was Annie telling Chris today or is it going to be a secret for a while?”
“She’s going to tell him today. I wish I could be a fly on the wall over there.”
After finishing coffee sitting in the car at the park, Chris headed home.
“I’d better give the guys a heads-up so you don’t walk into a mess. They were making pizza when I left.”
“Homemade pizza is worth a mess.”
“Are you telling me that you’ll bend the rules for pizza?” Chris teased.
“You know I’m hardly a tough task master. I’m not sure where you’re coming up with this stuff. Do I come across as being a neat freak?”
“Um, yes.”
“Chris, why? I’ve never said a thing to you about cleaning house or messes or anything.”
“I guess because you don’t want to pick up after my sons. Wasn’t that one of the reservations you had about moving with them here?”
“Well, yes! I don’t want to be the housekeeper, if that’s what you mean. Jesus, I hope you don’t twist everything I say around to make me look worse than I am.”
“I’m sorry. I get it. I must be hypersensitive. You just told me I’m going to be a father again. The first time in nineteen years, as a matter of fact.”
She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “No more about housekeeping or living together today, okay? Let’s focus on everything good and happy and without stress.”
“I’ll try. So what did your friends say about you being pregnant?”
“We sort of had planned on having our second kids at the same time, so now that means they can start trying before Lent, which wasn’t the original idea.”
“Why Lent?”
“Because we kill two birds with one stone—no alcohol for God and baby.”
“Okay, gotcha. I’ll quit too.”
“Jeez, you sure are easy.”
“We can do something together.”
“Like buy a horse?”
“How about rescue a horse? Justin already put me in touch with Amber Greely who is supposed to be knowledgeable about rehabbing neglected horses.”
“Oh God, he put you in touch with Amber? No way.”
“Why? What’s wrong with Amber?”