Page 87 of Just for Her
“I don’t feel like I was any help at all. I didn’t even know how to change a diaper.”
“Let’s change the subject,” Annie said. “I’m getting nervous. And here comes Chris.”
The sound of the men’s voices resonated, Justin’s the most pronounced accent making Katrina and Annie grin at each other as the three hunky men came into view, pushing each other like three-year-olds.
“Well, well, well,” Katrina said. “If it’s not the shoulder brothers.”
“Whose are wider?” Dave said, grabbing Justin and pushing him behind. “He disappears, right?”
“Mine are wider than yours,” Chris said, getting in front of both of them.
“Um, it’s a close match,” Annie replied, roaring with laughter.
“Get out the tape measure,” Dave said.
“Are you ten?” Katrina asked, laughing. “We’re not measuring anything.”
They were laughing as Maggie entered the yard on Dale. “Where’d you go?” Justin called out. “I didn’t see you out there.”
“I went up to the plateau,” she said. “I’ll be right there.”
In the barn getting the saddle off Dale, she sniffed, feeling so left out. Her emotions were all over the place. “It’s not fair,” she mumbled, wiping down Dale’s beautiful chestnut coat. When she finished, she cleaned up the barn, putting things away that the men had left out, but not minding.
Closing the corral gate, she headed for the house. All she wanted to do was take a shower and get into bed. Entertaining her beloved friends had even become a chore.
“You guys hungry?” she asked, climbing the steps to the porch.
“Starved, as usual. We brought food for an army,” Katrina said. “I’ll set it out. You rest.”
She patted Maggie’s shoulder, going into the house.
“You don’t even look pregnant from the back,” Maggie said. “Remember my ass? It was so huge.” She put her hands on her cheeks. “It feels like it’s getting big again.”
They looked at each other, trying not to read too much into it. “Do you have a test?” Katrina whispered.
“No. I haven’t missed a period yet, either. It’s wishful thinking.”
“Tomorrow, come to my house, ten sharp. You can do a test.”
“Stop it. You’re making me all nervous. I’m just fat.”
“You stop it. You’re hyperemotional; your boobs are bigger today than they were yesterday at the park, and you just said your butt is bigger. Pregnant!”
“Don’t say anything in front of Justin.”
“We won’t. Promise.”
Monday morning after Justin left for the clinic, and Rhonda arrived for Tina, instead of sitting at her computer to work, Maggie grabbed the motor keys for the skiff and took off down the dock. Climbing into her little boat always had the same effect—a sense of history because her grandfather held the same tiller handle she did and tied the same ropes. Only the boat was different because she’d been in an accident with the old one, but this one was nicer, with a bimini top and comfortable seats.
Stirring out into the bay, the briny smell of the water and gasoline exhaust from her motor brought memories of her childhood up to the day she moved to the cottage rushing up. Trying for gratitude that morning, she knew how lucky she was, married to Justin who worshiped her, mother to adorable and smart Tina, independently wealthy thanks to her ex-husband and a thriving graphics design business. She was able to do things for her friends that she’d never dreamed of before such as paying for Annie’s master’s program, lending Katrina money to expand her marketing business, and building the satellite clinic for Justin there on Bayou Cottage land. But most of all, she was grateful for what she was able to do for the animal rescue on her property, and for the wild horses.
Five minutes later she pulled alongside the dock in the village, Gus waiting for her with a grin.
“Hey, Gus. Long time no see!” The joke being she just saw him two days before.
“What you doin’ in town on a Monday? I don’t believe I’ve seen you here during the week in a year.”
“I’ve got business with Kat, but don’t tell anyone,” she said, climbing up the ladder. “It’ll be a big surprise.”