Page 33 of Stiletto Sins
“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t say I hadn’t thought about it, and Sawyer knew me well enough to call me out on it. But, I realized how lonely I was and out of my depth. I need you guys for my own sanity. I’d started talking to myself for the company, which isn’t a fun place to be.” I cringed, my cheeks blushing.
“Oh, to be a fly on the wall for those conversations.” Asa chuckled, making me feel better. He always had a knack for doing that.
“You guys make any progress?” I asked, a yawn following it.
“A little bit, but it can wait until morning. Come on, let’s get some rest.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to argue, but I could see the dark circles under his eyes. Asa and Cohen had said how they’d followed my trail together for a while, but at the last stop, they split up, not knowing which direction was the right one. When Cohen found me, Asa turned around and met him here. They’d both been up for almost twenty hours at this point.
“Okay, that sounds great.”
“Cohen, you going to keep working?” I asked, leading Asa to the bed. There was only one in the room since it had just been me. He peered up, looking at us. It took him a second to realize I had asked something.
“Oh yeah, I’ll catch some sleep in a bit. Don’t worry about me.” He yawned, and I saw the dark circles under his eyes too.
“Nope,” I decided, dropping Asa’s hand to walk over to the table. I shut the laptop and grabbed his hand. He didn’t make it easy as I tried to pull his big frame up from the chair. “You could help, turd.”
“Turd? Ah, you do like me,” he teased.
Rolling my eyes, I kept pulling, and he finally gave in and stood. Asa had already crawled into the bed on one side, and I realized what it meant. Me between them. Okay, girl, you could do this. It wasn’t a big deal.
Swallowing, I turned off the main light and crawled into the bed, letting Asa wrap his arms around me. Cohen hesitated for a second, looking at us.
“Come on, turd. You need sleep. We can be adults and share a bed.”
He nodded, debating something. Eventually, he kicked off his shoes and began to unbutton his jeans.
“Um, what are you doing?” I screeched, covering my eyes. I could feel Asa’s chest rumbling behind me.
“It’s fine, Fin. He’s just taking off his jeans. They’re not the most comfortable thing to sleep in.”
“Oh, yeah,” I said, realizing how I’d jumped to conclusions too fast. My cheeks flamed, and when I dropped my hand, I found Cohen smirking at me. He slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp on the table. It was quiet as we all settled, our own thoughts running through our heads.
As the breathing evened out, I fell asleep quickly, for the first time in a while, if I was honest. I didn’t have to be on guard now. I had people with me who would help take watch. It was nice, and I fell into a deep sleep and didn’t wake again until morning.
* * *
Whispering wokeme the following day, and when I stretched, I noticed that the bed was empty. Something about that had me pouting as I opened my eyes. When I looked around for the guys, they were grinning at me.
“What?” I asked, wiping my face for any drool.
“You’re cute when you sleep,” Cohen said, looking at me in a way I wasn’t used to.
“Here,” Asa said, picking up a bag and cup off the table. I eagerly sat up, pushing the covers down when I saw what it was.
“Ah, you do love me,” I beamed as Asa handed me the cup of coffee.
“I do.” He smiled lovingly, making me realize how dumb I was. “But Cohen was the one to get the food and coffee.”
“Oh,” I said, my fingers around the coffee as I inhaled it. “Thanks, Cohen.” I looked up at him from under my eyelashes and found him blushing. It was such an odd look on his usually cocky face that I did a double-take. “Are you blushing?” I teased.
He scoffed, waving me off as he focused on the computer. “Nope. I don’t even know what that is.”
Laughing, I took the chocolate croissant that Asa held out and immediately shoved it into my mouth. A moan escaped me as the chocolate and flaky pastry melted in my mouth. “That’s so good.”
When I finished licking my fingers, I looked up to find both guys watching me with hungry looks. I was used to seeing it from Asa, but it still surprised me to find it reflected back in Cohen’s eyes.
“Sorry. I was hungry.”