Page 40 of Stiletto Sins
Having shared some of the sins of my past mistakes, it had taken a wall down between us I hadn’t realized was there. Kissing Asa now almost felt like the first time because I was kissing him as me and not the girl I was pretending to be.
Cohen’s hand began to graze between my lower lips, pulling some of the wetness with him as he moved up and down. The teasing was driving me wild, and I tried to move closer to make him touch me more. His other hand gripped my hip, holding me still.
“Patience, sweetheart.”
I groaned, making Asa chuckle as he pulled away and lifted my shirt. His tongue began to peek out, licking my stiff peaks, teasing me along with Cohen.
“If one of you doesn’t fully touch me, I’m boycotting you both.”
“Oh, I think someone doesn’t like us teaming up,” Cohen teased, biting my earlobe.
“This wasn’t the type of team-up I had in mind,” I gritted out.
Cohen’s grip on my hip tightened, and he pulled me back into his cock, the hard length rubbing against my ass. Gasping, I clamped down the urge to rock more, hoping he'd reward me if I stayed the course. His finger dipped between my pussy lips, flicking over my clit, and I bit my lip, praying he’d finally push further.
Asa moved closer, taking my breast into his mouth; my back arched, making Cohen’s finger slip further into my core. When he finally moved it in and out, it was the sweetest pressure, making me want to weep in relief. His thumb found my clit, and his finger began to plunge in me deeply as Asa sucked my nipple. I rocked into them both, wanting more but knowing we weren’t there yet. This was a huge first step, and I needed to take it for what it was and not push myself too much too soon, even if my body was screaming for more.
It didn’t take long once Cohen began to spear me, and I found myself grasping Asa’s head to my chest as I began to spasm, a cry of pleasure leaving my mouth.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you make the sweetest sounds. I can’t wait to hear more,” Cohen whispered, licking up my neck again. I shivered, no longer trying to hide how my body responded to him. He pulled his finger out slowly, the sensation making my eyes roll back, and for some reason, I wasn’t surprised when he sucked down my juices like a desperate man. It was primal and seductive, making me wish they were still in me so I could ride them again.
“Good morning,” Asa whispered, pulling me closer, not caring at all about Cohen. It eased the last shred of hesitancy I had out of me that he was being honest about his feelings. I guess I owed it to myself to be real then. If Asa was willing to let me be open with my heart, then I needed to brave and open it and stop hiding behind him.
“I’m not sure which is better to wake up to,” I said, a smile on my face. “An orgasm, or coffee and donuts.”
The boys snickered, knowing I was full of shit, but it eased the tension as we got out of bed and dressed. It was time to find Blackhawk.
* * *
Screams of joyand the rush of rides as they went around, hit us as we walked into the Raven Time theme park. It took a minute to orient myself to the surroundings, the environment so different from what I was used to.
“It’s very loud,” Cohen said, his nose scrunching up as he looked around. “And bright.”
Asa had a massive smile on his face as he took it all in. “That’s because you tend to be more of a vampire hermit and only come out at night. Come on, we have a bit of time before we need to meet him. Let’s scope out the area and maybe go on a few rides. Might as well have some fun while we’re here.”
He bounded off, full of energy, and it was at times like this that I wondered how he dated me. While he had the energy of Sawyer, my best friend, Asa, also had a lightness about him that was utterly him.
“Is it me, or is it weird how happy he is all the time?”
Snorting, I hit him in the stomach. “You’re the weird one. Asa is a good one. Don’t knock it.”
Cohen rolled his eyes but smiled, tugging me along as we followed Asa. He stopped and looked at each sign, reading everything and taking it all in. It was cute.
“Oh, this!” he said, pointing to a pretty empty line. I looked at the sign, trying to read what it was.
“Rock-n-Roll Riders?” I shrugged, the name doing nothing to tell me what the ride was about. Cohen sighed but agreed and followed us into the line. We didn’t have to wait long as we made it to the front and stood behind the metal bars until the ride appeared. Everyone who got off seemed happy and full of smiles, so I took that as a good sign.
Asa pulled my hand, going for the front of the ride when we were allowed to enter. Cohen dragged his feet behind us, and I didn’t know if it was because he wasn’t used to being up this early or something else. It was a three-person cart, so we slid in, with me in the middle. Asa pulled the bar down, an excited look on his face as he peered over at me. When he looked at Cohen, though, he frowned, and I turned to see what it was about.
“You okay, man?” he asked. “You don’t look so good.”
“Hmm, mm,” he replied, his eyes shut tight. Grasping his hand, I threaded our fingers together and pulled his head to look at me.
“You okay?”
“So, confession time. I’ve never been on a roller coaster, and I’m kind of afraid of heights.”
Sympathy for him filled me, and I squeezed his hand. “You can get off,” I started, right as the attendant came and tugged our bar, deeming it was good.