Page 58 of Stiletto Sins
“Sounds like a great idea, babe,” Asa said, pulling her into his side and kissing her effortlessly on the forehead. It no longer made me envious as I watched their easy affection. She was mine now, and I wouldn’t let her go.
“Yeah, there should be some board games in the closet. If not, there will be some out in the common room. We could even see if the others want to join, or just keep it us?” I asked, checking my phone as a message came in. “Actually, our bags are ready. If someone comes with me to grab them, we can look at the games?” I asked, looking up.
“Let’s just keep it us. I don’t think I can socialize anymore tonight,” Fin said, twisting her shirt, and I noticed how tired she did look.
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“I’ll help,” Milo suggested, walking toward the door with me.
“We’ll be right back.”
Asa and Fin already had the door open to the closet, scrounging through it before we even exited. Laughing, I shook my head as Milo and I fell into a leisurely pace. We were quiet as we made our way to the elevator. I didn’t know him as well as Asa, so I debated whether I should wait him out or just lay it all out there. Thankfully, it seemed Milo was ready to talk, making my decision easy.
“Am I dumb for being here? My whole life has been careful decisions laid out to reach a goal that was far away from anything I’d grown up around. I can’t say I’ve been that same guy the last year.”
I looked over at him as the elevator moved, assessing what he wasn’t saying. “I think the real question is, did you like that person? You said you were tired of being alone, and you can’t deny that Fin makes you feel alive in a way only Fin can.”
He thought about my words before he slumped against the wall. “Yeah, you’re right. I just had a moment of freaking out. I guess I worry I won’t have a place with you guys. The three of you already feel so united.”
“I understand feeling insecure in your role and place. I do. I’ve waited years to find it with Fin. The one thing I learned was that you can’t stay on the sidelines. If Fin says she wants you here and you want a chance at being a part of her life, then trust that. She’s not pulling you along just for fun. That’s not who she is.”
“Yeah?” he asked, looking at me with hope.
“For sure. Finley is as amazing as you think she is. It’s not an act. Tell her if you want to be part of her life.”
“Thanks, I think I will.”
The elevator dinged as the doors opened, and I clapped him on the shoulder as I moved out of the space. I turned to the right, knowing where I was headed, and walked toward the surveillance room. Rounding the corner, I froze when I saw who was up ahead. I quickly pulled Milo into the first door that would open. Closing it, I leaned against it, waiting for the footsteps to pass.
“Um, what’s that about?” he asked, looking at me quizzically. I realized I was still clutching his shirt in my hands, so I dropped it, smoothing out the material.
“Sorry. Just an old flame I don’t want to deal with at the moment.”
“Ah, okay. Do you think it’s clear now?”
Taking a deep breath, I waited for my heart to slow before peeking my head out the door, looking both ways. When I didn’t spot anyone, I nodded, and we both stepped out. We made it to the surveillance room a few more doors down without interruption, making my heart slow the rest of the way.
“Agent Campbell,” one of the guards greeted, picking up a clipboard for me to sign. I quickly initialed all of our belongings, scanning them to see if anything had been kept out. It seemed all our items had passed, so I handed the clipboard back to the man.
Milo was looking around at all the computer screens, a look of awe on his face. “This is impressive, and I’m not one who geeks out about this stuff,” he said. Laughing at him, I turned to the beeping door as the guard carted our bags out.
“Here you go,” he said, returning to the screens. Picking up two, Milo picked up the others, and we made our way back toward the elevator. The corridor was empty, and I sighed, the rest of my body relaxing. Tonight was not the time for an awkward reunion.
The trip back was quiet, both of us consumed in our thoughts, so when the elevator dinged, I jumped slightly. In the common room, Milo followed me over to the bookcase that was overflowing with board games. A few people were still out, playing some, nodding to us in greeting as we passed.
Selecting a few that I liked, I handed one to Milo, and we headed back to our crew. “I’m serious. You should talk to Fin. I thought I could walk away and let her be happy, but I knew I was only lying to myself when I saw her. She’s brought me into her life now, and I hate that I waited so long to step forward. So, if my misery can teach us anything, it’s that you shouldn’t wait.”
Milo nodded, and I placed my hand on the scanner, and we waited for it to beep. When we entered, we found Asa and Fin sitting around a coffee table, snacks and drinks ready for us. They both smiled as we entered, cementing the things I’d said. Asa had become like a brother to me, and I was grateful for his friendship. If I was honest with myself, it was one I hadn’t ever let myself have with anyone. I slept around, flitted from city to city, telling myself I wanted it that way. In reality, I was lonely and pining for the type of family I had always wanted.
I had a chance to have everything I dreamed of, and it was right in front of me.
“What did you find?” I asked, looking at the stack of games.
“Connect Four, Sorry, and Monopoly!” Fin cheered, leaning up on her knees to see what we had. She looked so cute in her glasses and short shorts. I was about to suggest another game when I remembered she wasn’t there in her relationship with Milo.
Setting the bags down, I placed the games on the table and then took the bags and put them in one of the bedrooms. I pulled out my computer, checking that the Order hadn’t placed any new software on it while they had it. After a quick scan, I carried it out to the other room and sat in a chair while they discussed what games to play.
Opening up the program I had running on the code Blackhawk had left us, I found it was still only 40% through all the possibilities. Sighing, I set it aside and focused on the group in front of me.