Page 30 of Beautiful Agony
Some messages popped up, and I looked down to read them.
“Hi, @livingfast and @ogbobbuilder. Thanks for joining me. Do you guys have any questions?”
They typed some more, and I found it easier with direct things to concentrate on.
“What’s my favorite color? Hmm, good question. I think I like rose gold.” I smiled, even though they couldn’t see it. Candi had mentioned people could hear it in your voice, and I wanted to come across as friendly. A few more questions began to filter through, and I found it easier to talk to the screen like we were having a conversation.
Instinctively, I found myself playing with my necklace, drawing their attention to my boobs more. When tips and likes were given, I realized that the more I gave them, then the more they’d give me. An idea popped into my head, and I wanted to see if it would work.
“So, guys, my time’s almost up tonight, but maybe you could help me since I’m still new. I’m going to put a poll up, and whichever option gets the most tips, then that’s what I’ll do. The options are should I play the guitar, make dinner, or paint my toenails? You have one minute.”
I typed it into the chat and sat back, watching as people started placing their votes. I smiled, adrenaline coursing through me. At the end of the timer, I was surprised that the winning option was to play the guitar.
“Okay, thank you, @trentbulldog, for that last generous tip that put guitar over the top.” I blew a kiss to the camera. “Well, that’s all tonight, but I’ll be back later and play the guitar for y’all. Ciao!”
I kissed the air, waving. It had been risky to show part of my face, but it had felt worth the risk when tips had come in more for it. Signing off, I looked down at the total, and my eyes bugged out.
“Holy shit. Candi is a freaking genius!”
Thirty minutes live, answering questions with twenty people watching, and I’d made over $500 in tips. I blinked, not sure it was real. Rolling over, I kicked my feet in the air, giggling as I screamed out, relief settling in my body.
I’d done it. I’d found a way to survive all on my own.
Strength and accomplishment raced through me, filling me with pride. A message pinged, and I rolled back over to check it. My inbox flashed, and I clicked on it.
@shycowboy sent you a message
I clicked on the message, squinting in case it was a dick pic. Candi had warned me about those. Instead, it was a message. Blowing out a breath, I leaned closer to read it.
Dear Rose,
I debated reaching out to you but thought I’d say hi. I think you’re beautiful and I hope we can get to know one another. You seem like a sweet girl, someone I wish I could meet in real life. Hope that doesn’t sound creepy.
Shy Cowboy
For some reason, it made me blush, and I tapped my finger, debating on responding. I remembered Candi’s two rules: Don’t fall in love and never meet them.
Surely it wouldn’t be a bad thing to just message, right?
If anyone asked, I’d blame it on hoping I could make a client out of him. In reality, I was lonely, and it was someone to talk to.
Dear Shy Cowboy,
You flatter me. I’m sure there’s a girl better than me around the corner. She’ll surprise you one day. Thank you for your message.
Wow, Darcie, that was lame. Sighing, I signed off, exhaustion filling me. This had been a good start, and I felt more confident this could work. Baby steps, but it was at least in a new direction, far away from the girl I’d been.
* * *
It had been a month since my first live, and things had progressed well. I did them a couple times a week now unless I was too tired from work. I’d also started having some one-on-one sessions with clients. Most importantly, I’d earned enough to move to a new place.
It wasn’t the biggest, but it had a great location, and everything had its own room. No more sharing space with my kitchen or bathroom. There was even a tiny laundry unit that I was excited about. No more trips to the laundromat, hauling my clothes. It was going to be the height of luxury for me.
Tonight was my last night doing a cam session in this place, and I felt a little tearful about it. Though, not enough to stay. Setting up my new camera, I adjusted the angle and laid back on the bed. It had a remote control with it so I could position it easier.
I’d kept talking with Shy Cowboy, and we’d been more flirty the past few times. He’d asked me last night if I’d be willing to do a private session with him. I wanted to say no, but I knew I needed to push myself. So I’d agreed.