Page 42 of Beautiful Agony
Showing our bracelets to a bouncer, we were let back into a smaller section. “Come on, I want you to meet some people.”
A group of guys were gathered around some couches set up under the tent. Huge industrial fans blew, but it wasn’t necessarily any cooler. The humid air just moved more. As we approached, a guy caught my eye, and I stopped, looking him over. Candi nudged me, waggling her eyebrows.
“Oh, you got the look. Which one is he?”
“What are you talking about?” I said, trying to play dumb.
“Don’t you do that with me! Tell me, or I’ll shout to the whole tent you’re open for business.”
Gasping, I pinched her arm. “You wouldn’t dare.”
She crossed her arms. “Try me.” Raising an eyebrow, she waited me out. Sighing, I pulled her close, giving in.
“Fine, he’s the one with the dark hair, sleeve of tattoos, and has the Waylon Jennings shirt on,” I mumbled, a blush rising to my cheeks.
“See, you do like a bad boy.” She giggled, getting delighted in my embarrassment.
“Why are we friends?” I asked, crossing my arms.
“Because I’m fabulous,” she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “And I know who that is. So, I can give you an introduction. Now, who’s salty?”
Dropping my arms, I smiled, giving her a hug. “Okay, fine. You win. So, what do you know?” I asked, finding myself with a crush.
“His name’s Damon, and he works at Wild Horse as a bartender. He’s kind of on the loner side, though. I don’t see him around too much. His brother is the lead singer of the band.”
“Ah, well, he sounds kind of like a douche, then.”
“Hey, it’s your type. I just tell it how it is.”
“Fine. You might also have a point. Okay, I’m going in.”
Using everything I’d learned, I walked over, feeling confident. “Hi, I’m Darcie.”
He glanced up, running his eyes over my body, and then took a drink, looking at me. “Not interested.” After that, he turned and walked off. I stood there for a solid minute, trying to figure out what had just happened.
“Um, what?”
Another guy walked up, placing his arm around me. “Don’t worry about him. He’s an ass to everyone. I’m the much nicer and cooler brother. I’m Stefan,” he said, peering down at me.
“Wait, like the Salvatore brothers?” I asked, looking into his eyes.
He rolled them but nodded. “Yep. Our mother was a huge fan of the books before they became a TV show. And like the characters, I’m the nice and friendly one.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Stefan. I’m Darcie.”
“Well, it’s my lucky day because the prettiest girl here is talking to me.”
“Okay, sweet talker, got anything to back up those words?” I raised my eyebrow, and I realized I was flirting with him. It had come naturally, and I knew I’d been right. I was ready for this.
“As a matter of fact,” he leaned in, boldly kissing me, taking me by surprise. It wasn’t a horrible kiss, so I leaned into it, rising up on my toes. When he pulled back, he grinned.
“Care to be my date for the day, Darcie?”
“Sounds fun.”
And it was. I hung out with the band and Stefan until they had to perform. Damon stayed clear of us, keeping to himself as he read a book in a corner. Candi seemed to have met twin brothers, and I wasn’t sure which one she liked more or if she cared.
That time of night was coming when I knew he would ask me to hook up, and I was ready.