Page 47 of Beautiful Agony
She started to sketch more but started to talk. “It happens to involve a guy.”
“Of course,” I said, nodding. “The best stories always do.”
She smiled, the pen a soothing sound as it brushed against the paper. She flipped it over, showing me. “Okay, that’s perfect. Are you in my mind or something?” LJ shrugged, blushing a little. “So, this boy?”
She giggled, the sound light, and I liked it. “We met as pen pals. He wanted to be a tattoo artist and said he’d give me my first one. He even drew one he designed for me. It was beautiful.”
“I don’t understand. Why don’t you have it then?”
She pulled out her equipment, motioning for me to lay down and unzip my jeans. “He lived on the west coast, and I lived north of here. I was, um, getting serious with someone and told him I couldn’t be his pen pal anymore.”
“Wait, how long did you guys write?”
“Around eight years.”
“Holy shit! Did you have feelings for him?”
“I mean, yeah. I was fifteen when I started writing to him, and I fell in love with him over the years from writing to each other. But in the end, it didn’t matter. He wasn’t who he said he was, and then I lost the only guy I cared about.”
“Whoa, that went dark fast.”
Her shoulder tensed. “That’s just the past few years; that’s not even the past few months,” she mumbled.
“My ears are ready to listen,” I said, hoping she’d take it as an invitation. Her eyes held shadows like mine, and I recognized the heartbreak in them. This girl and I were kindred spirits.
“You sure you want to hear this?” she asked, looking up.
I nodded, smiling softly at her. “Yep. You and me, I can tell we’re gonna be friends. Might as well use this time to get to know all the baggage.”
She laughed, smiling. “Okay, you asked for it.”
Over the next hour as she tattooed me, she told me the story of Simon and Slade, and how she’d ended up in Nashville.
“That settles it,” I said. “You’re coming out with me dancing. It’s the best cure for heartbreak.”
“Hmm, I don’t know.”
“Come on, bestie. I promise you will enjoy it. I just so happen to know the perfect place.”
“Fine,” she rolled her eyes but smiled. “And you’re done.”
I looked down in awe at the rose she’d drawn. “I love it. Thank you.”
“Of course. Still wanting that piercing?”
“Yes, but I think I'll hold off on it for today. That way, I have another excuse to come and visit you, LJ.”
“It’s Lennox, actually. I just use LJ here, but I prefer Lennox.”
“You got it. It suits you better. So, where do you live?” I asked.
“Ha, ha. Don’t we all live at work? But really.” I lifted an eyebrow, telling her to spill.
“No, really. I live upstairs. I’ll have Ethan finish your care, and I’ll go change. Thankfully, you’re my last client, so I’m free. Just come up the back stairs if I’m not done.”
“Sounds like a plan.”