Page 36 of Malicious Pacts
I almost rolled my eyes. “I trained this morning. I’ve been under a car all day. I’m sweaty, smelly, and gross. Trust me, you wouldn’t want that.”
“That’s why God created showers, silly,” she said. “I could wash you clean… Then make you dirty all over again.”
I saw the eyes of the woman standing behind Britney widen as she shook her head in disgust, and my face turned red. Not only would she not take a hint, but she was extremely fucking loud and rude. My irritation had grown out of control. Between being hangry, the crowd of people, and her being clueless as hell, I was about to lose my patience.
I calmly placed my hands on her arms. Touching her made her expression turn triumphant as she looked up at me with obvious desire in her eyes.
“Britney,” I said.
“Mmm?” she moaned out.
“We are in the middle of a restaurant. There are people all over. People that can hear the desperation dripping from your voice with every wasted word. I have told you before, and I will tell you again.” I leaned down close enough our noses almost touched. “It’s never going to happen. Throw yourself at someone who has the patience to deal with your shallow, conceited, Harper Avery cloned ass.”
I let go of her arms and stood tall, taking in the utter shock on her face that quickly turned to rage. She moved quickly to smack me, but I’ve trained my whole life. I grabbed her wrist before she even had a chance to make it halfway, which only made her face scrunch up with even more anger.
“Ugh!” she huffed out before yanking her arm free and stomping away back toward her family.
I shook my head, inhaled deeply, and sighed. I looked at the woman who had been behind her as she moved up.
“I’m so sorry,” I said.
She snorted. “Don’t be. That was the highlight of my day. She sounded like a real bitch.”
Despite my mood, a laugh escaped me. “And you are anexcellentjudge of character.”
It didn’t take long to get through the rest of the line. When I got to the cashier, I decided to forego ordering and just pay for the buffet to go. I didn’t want to wait around any longer than I needed to. The last thing I wanted was to run into Britney again.
I heaped the box as full as I could and grabbed a bag, some chopsticks, and a fortune cookie before heading back out. The second I was out in the fresh air I remembered the car I’d heard earlier.
The parking lot had cleared a little, but not nearly enough that searching for a car would be easy. It came from the west side, so I made my way down that direction. I walked about five rows, looking down the center of each one where the front ends would be together instead of the aisle. It would be easier to see the hood than the tail end since it would probably be blocked by longer vehicles.
Finally, I came across a beautiful square charcoal hood with black racing stripes about halfway down.Yes!I thought.That must be it.
I made my way down the aisle and saw more than I expected. Standing next to a gorgeous 1970 Chevelle SS was a girl. She had her back to me, studying the car. I could see her reflection in the window, and she was smiling as she stared at it.
She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail. In the reflection, I could see she had bangs. They were cut just at her eyebrows and came down to frame her face on the sides.
She had on black bondage pants that hugged every curve of her thick thighs and the most perfectly rounded ass I’d ever seen. There were zippered pockets and rivets all over the tight pants that led down to knee-high, black, three-inch platform combat boots. Her shirt was the same color as the car. It was a jersey style shirt with “01” on the back with “Skellington” written right above it. In the reflection, I could see a small white skull on the left breast and knew it was a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt.
I almost laughed. It was cute. Certainly, different than anything I was used to seeing girls around here wear. It was kind of refreshing actually. She stood with her shoulders back. Even without seeing her face, I could tell she radiated confidence. I couldn’t even get a good look at her, and I found her sexy as hell. Of course, her having a body that looked like a lot of professional dancers I’d seen—thick and powerful—certainly helped the appeal.
“Hey,” I said, walking closer.
She jumped a little and turned around. The moment her icy blue eyes met mine, I stopped. Her face was even more beautiful than her body, and honestly, I forgot about the car for a moment. As pathetic as it sounds, that was impressive.
“You like old cars?” I ask, pointing to the Chevelle. “You looked super happy staring at it.”
She nodded as she clutched a small stack of books in her arms closer to her chest. She must have just come from the bookstore.
“Yeah. This is my favorite car.” Her voice sounded a little nervous, but she still seemed more confident than a lot of girls I talked to.
“What’s your name?” I asked. “I’m Asher Jackson.”
She laughed, and one of her eyebrows lifted. “Well, Asher Jackson… Are you always so forward with random girls you meet in parking lots, or am I just special?”
I absentmindedly licked my lips as I looked around before looking back at her eyes. They practically glowed in the afternoon sunlight.
“I suppose you’re special. I’m not used to seeing girls like you around here,” I said.