Page 39 of Malicious Pacts
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” he said with amusement as he carried a box from the pile against the wall to the six-foot event table he brought up. He thought having the boxes on a table and off the floor would make it so I didn’t have to lift or bend while I was unpacking. It was quite thoughtful. “See something you like? Do I have to worry about getting jumped in here? I have averyloud, lady-like scream, and I’m not afraid to use it.”
I laughed, even though it was incredibly embarrassing he’d caught me checking out the front of his jeans—which appeared to be quite bulgy.
“Well, that’s not embarrassing at all,” I said. “Thanks for calling attention to it instead of just letting me satisfy my curiosity and move on with my day.”
His laugh filled the room. “I don’t have much of a filter, and I enjoy making people feel uncomfortable. I don’t know why, but it just amuses me. You left yourself wide open for that one. Besides, I made a joke after calling attention to yourshame. I was nice about it.”
He emphasized the wordshame, and I shook my head. “Don’t let it go to your head. It’s big enough already.”
Javier gasped as he turned around and grabbed at the sides of his head. “What? Mi madre said it was perfectly proportioned!”
“Are yousureyou’re thirty-three?” I asked, looking at him with feigned doubt.
“Why? Wanna ask me out?” he said playfully before picking up a box.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to hide my smile. That man was something else. “Not hardly, old man.”
“Liar. I just caught you checking out what I’m packing, and it wasn’t the box in my hands. Plus, judging by the raised eyebrow, the flared nostrils, and the way you were biting your lip, I’d say you were pleased.”
I turned around and threw a flipflop at him, hitting him in the back as he set the next box on the table. “I wasnotbiting my lip. You are a professional liar, and I don’t believe you for a second.”
He shrugged, leaning back against the table and crossing his large, well-toned arms across his chest as he crossed his legs at the ankles. My eyes involuntarily wandered again, noticing every curve of his body, and again, the front of his jeans.
And like clockwork, I bit my lip.
“See! See! You just did it again!”
“Damn it!” I shouted. “Shut up. Just shut…up.”
He placed a hand on his chest. “Meshut up? You’re somean,and you’re the one who won’t stop stripping me with your eyes!”
“This is so embarrassing. Go away.”
He laughed. “You know I’m just giving you a hard time, right?”
“You don’t say!” I said, throwing another flipflop at him.
He caught that one mid-flight. “Hey, I’m a master of catching flipflops. I’ve been chased around by way too many not to be. My sister was feisty.” He stood and walked over to stand in front of me. “Look, I’m not offended. I’m flattered. I’m a natural flirt, and I don’t mean anything by it. You’re a lot of fun to hang around, you’re hilarious, and sarcastic. So, you make it fun and easy to flirt with you, especially because you flirt back. However, today is the only time I’ve ever caught you really looking, so I feel I have to say this. I also havelimits. I don’t date anyone younger than twenty-five.”
“Well, that’s great because I wouldn’t date your ancient ass anyway.” I smiled to let him know that I was being playful. “I’m kidding about the ancient thing. More like pre-historic.”
He reached out and gave my shoulder a light shove. “My goodness you’re mean when you get turned down!”
“Hey! I never asked you out or told you I wanted to. You and that big head of yours assumed that. Besides, I have limits, too. I wouldn’t date anyoneolderthan twenty-five. Doesn’t mean I don’t look, though. I’m usually a little less obvious about it, so… sorry about that.” I laughed. My face wassored. I could feel it. Normally I’d have a meltdown in a conversation like this, but Javier was easy to talk to and be around. “You’re pretty great, and you make it easy to flirt with you, too. Which is why I do it. That and you started it. However, I hold a very strict look but don’t touch policy.”
“I can definitely agree to that. Sorry to bring down the mood and have a serious conversation with you. I just didn’t want to give you any wrong signals. I’m just flirty, and I like giving you a hard time. You can see now why I can’t keep a girlfriend.”
I shrugged. “Yes, I’m super shocked by that fact. And as long as you understand that you never had a chance anyway, and that I’m probablystillgoing to give you a hard time, we’re good.”
He smiled. “Deal.” He started to turn away but then turned back and stepped a little closer before whispering. “Besides, I don’t want to end up in a shallow grave somewhere, if ya know what I mean.” He looked at me seriously for a second then busted out in laughter with me following close behind.
We finished up and headed downstairs. Instead of feeling embarrassed about my conversation with Javier, I somehow felt relieved. He really was a good friend. He seemed like a great guy, and while itwasmortifying to have that conversation, it was also great that we laid out the rules of our friendship so neither of us crossed them.
Harper just happened to be headed for the kitchen when I reached the base of the stairs, and I rushed to catch up to her.
“Hey, Harper,” I said as I caught up to her.
She groaned. “What do you want?”