Page 19 of Revival
“Wow. Okay then," Daniel says, smiling as he hands us our drinks. "I don't think I want to know what you two are talking about."
Shaking my head, I meet his gaze. “Trust me, you definitely don’t.”
"You seem in a better mood," Lindsay says boldly.
"Shots at the bar will do that to someone. Are you ladies ready to go pick out some swaggy shit?"
"Abso-fucking-lutely!" Lindsay shouts.
We're stopped again at the entrance to the tent as they check our badges. We're each handed large bags and told to enjoy ourselves.
"Holy shit! This is just like in the movies," I whisper to Linds.
"Dating a celeb has its perks." She giggles.
Lindsay and I make our way around the room, grabbing every perk item we can, feeling like Julia Roberts on Rodeo Drive in Pretty Woman. Daniel remains at the bar, uninterested in anyswaggy shit, as he calls it.
"Stop staring." My friend elbows me in the ribs.
"I'm not staring."
"You are. I've been catching you doing it ever since Daniel decided to stay at the bar."
"Okay, but how can you not notice all the women who keep surrounding him."
"Jealous much?" she teases.
"Whatever. I barely know the guy."
Lindsay and I are pampered, walking from table to table with new cowboy boots, limited edition sunglasses, and gorgeous clothing pieces from Miranda Lambert's collection. I have died and gone to heaven.
"Are you ready?" Again, Daniel startles me from behind. "Jacob sent me a text and asked us to meet him at the campground in thirty minutes."
"Sure." I tease him with a little side nudge. "You seem popular with the ladies."
"Yeah, drunk girls often mistake me for Justin Theroux. I just spent the last thirty minutes pretending to spill all Jennifer Aniston's beauty secrets." He chuckles, knowing as well as I do that his story is major bullshit. But I'll go along with it.
Entering the campground, we're stopped by the cutest little three-foot fairy princess. "What is the password for the queen's tea party?"
Lindsay kneels to the little girl's level and whispers something into her ear.
She giggles and opens her arm for us to enter.
"What was the password?" I ask.
"Banana yogurt."
Daniel chokes on his beer. "How did you know that?"
She winks. "It's Stevie's favorite food and the only password she ever used in school."
"I'm glad you knew it,” I say, “because this looks like a party we didn't want to miss."
The campground has turned into a fairyland playground. Light stands hang between campers, tables decorated pink, all set up for a tea party, with face painters, balloon animals, and a clown.
"Jacob wanted to throw a birthday party for Stevie-Ann this weekend,” Lindsay explains, “Since he won't see her for the next month because of the tour."
I eye my friend, curious about this relationship she claims isn’t serious—but certainly appears to be.