Page 26 of Revival
"Last night, I thought you were flirting with me all night. I tried to kiss you, and you turned your freaking head, leaving me feeling like a stupid ass. This morning, you come in with this whole ‘I'm filled with darkness’ bullshit and then lay one of the best kisses of my life on me.”
His eyebrows rise slightly, and I huff my annoyance.
“Then, as soon as Lindsay walked in on us, you jumped away as if I had the freakingplague. And to top it all off, when a hot guy asks me to hang out later, you show up out of nowhere and start acting like some jealous boyfriend."
The way his lips twitch, like he’s biting back a smile makes my blood run even hotter.
"In no way was I acting like a jealous boyfriend. That guy was only looking to get in your pants."
"So? Did you ever think maybe that's where I wanted him? I’m almost forty years old and have only had sex with two men my entire life. Ineedto live a little. I need to be careless and wild. I need to be fucked!"
Daniel’s eyes widen and it takes my brain a split-second too long to register the pause in the song. I slam my hand over my mouth as everyone in a twenty-foot radius turns slowly toward me.
The music resumes and I hang my head.
"So, your goal tonight is to get lucky with some random dude named Lucky?"
I lift my head to meet his questioning gaze head on. "Precisely. So, if my R.V. is a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'." In a quick huff, I turn and strut off to Lindsay, who’s locked in place a few feet away, watching my over-the-top scene with a furrowed brow.
"What has gotten into you?" Lindsay asks.
"Nothing. I've known the guy for less than twenty-four hours, and he's already getting on my every last nerve. He's more hot-and-cold than a kitchen sink. I am on a mission to find my best self, to figure out who I am. And as sexy as he is, I do not need or want the prince of dark clouds over there raining on my parade!"
"Cut the guy some slack there, killer. Jacob says he's been through a lot of shit in the past few months."
"So? So have I, Linds. And that's why I plan to have way too many drinks tonight, enjoy every moment of this festival, and hopefully end up tangled in the sheets of some hot, young stud. And tomorrow, I'm off to start the rest of my life."
"Then I suggest we grab some drinks and have the time of our lives." Lindsay grabs my arm, pulling me to the bar.
"Two double Jack and Cokes please," she shouts to the bartender.
He pours two full cups of whiskey, then adds a splash of Coke to each and pushes them toward us across the bar. "Enjoy your time, ladies."
"How much do we owe you?"
"Nothing. Your drinks are taken care of this evening."
"By whom?" I question.
"Lucky told me to treat you both to anything you'd like tonight."
"What a gentleman." I turn and hold my glass up to the man I hope to be fucking later on tonight.
"Look at you go, you little slut, you." My best friend teases me the way only she's allowed. "Now, let's listen to some music before you run off to become country music's next biggest hoe."
Lindsay and I dance, drink, and listen to some of the best live music for the next two hours.
"I'm gonna miss you," she says out of nowhere. "You have been my best friend since we were fourteen years old. What am I going to do without you?"
"Girl, you need to chill. I'm going on a road trip for a while. You'll never be without me."
"But who's going to go to dinner with me after a bad day at work? Or tell me to stop after the third glass of wine because you know I get headaches in the morning? Or binge watchThe Golden Girlswith me?"
"There's this new thing called the internet; I think it can keep us connected. Plus, you have Jacob now. I bet he'd love to do any of those things with you. Since you're off for the summer, have you talked to him about joining the rest of the festival tour with him?"
Jacob sneaks up behind her, bringing his finger to his lips to silence me.
"Oh hell no." She starts to belly laugh. "I just recently started dating one of the biggest stars in country music, and now I'm just supposed to ask him to let me go on tour with him because I'm afraid of being alone. I don't think so."