Page 36 of Revival
Was it worth it? Hell yeah, it was.
Would I do it again? In a fucking heartbeat.
I may not have been able to protect Bailey, but I won't let anyone hurt Andrea or her family.
Chapter Sixteen
My revival list glares at me from the countertop, begging to be completed. With only one item checked off and several failed attempts at another, I'm unsure what to accomplish next. Maybe I'll add skydiving? Or perhaps just find a waffle house and eat myself silly.
Now I want freakin' waffles. Damn it, Andi.
The Facetime ring on my phone interrupts my craving for waffles, and my best friend’s face fills the screen. "Hey, Linds.” I smile as her face comes into view. “Calling to brag about how cool your new rockstar life is?"
"It's fun, but sometimes it's not all the glitz and glamour it's cracked up to be. Sometimes it's wrangling drunk twins and having hot roadies hauled off to jail."
"What are you talking about?"
Lindsay pans her phone to the right to show me an excessively drunk Madison and one pissed-off twin brother. "Please hand the phone to my son."
"Can you please explain to me why you two are in Colorado and why your sister is passed out on the backstage couch?" My emotions are in a boxing match between concerned and pissed off; at this point, the winner is anyone's guess.
"I met this girl Petra in Paris who lives with a host family here in Denver. She invited us to go to this festival with her, and we changed our plane tickets and took a detour to Denver."
"And you didn't think to ask me?" I yell.
"Ask you what? Madison and I are eighteen now. We don't need to ask you for permission to go to a festival. And don't yell at me. I'm not the one who got plastered and almost arrested."
"Arrested? What the hell, Mason? You're supposed to look out for your sister. I'm disappointed in you."
Lindsay grabs her phone back. "Don't be mad at Mason. If it weren't for him, Mads could have been arrested for almost attacking Derrick to get you an autograph. And it was her trying to run off and get lucky."
"What did you just say?" The words painfully grit through my teeth.
"Lucky accepted her fake I.D., got her shit-faced drunk, promising her she’dget luckyafter the show," she explains. "Sound familiar?"
"That son of a bitch. I'm going to fucking kill him."
"You don't have to worry about that. I'm pretty sure Lucky is seeing his not-so-lucky stars tonight. Hence, the roadie in jail."
"Yeah. He knocked Lucky the fuck out. He said he wouldn't let Lucky hurt Madison like he hurt you."
"And now he's in jail?" I ask.
"I'm afraid so. Daniel told us not to waste the bail money on him when they'll probably just release him in a couple days."
"Holy shit." My face falls in disbelief.
"You go back to your meditation spa. I've got this handled here. I just wanted you to know." The quiver in her voice leads me to doubt her words. "Mason and Madison will stay on the bus with us tonight, and I'll text you when we have an update on Daniel."
"Okay. Thanks. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I end the call and set my phone on the table, dropping my head into my hands.
My kids are in Denver. One of them was over-served by the same asshole I kicked out of my R.V. a few nights ago.
And Daniel is in jail for defending her.Us.