Page 38 of Revival
With a sigh, I concede. "I like the way you make me feel."
"Feel?" she asks.
"Yeah, feel." I start to close the gap between us. "When I see your amber eyes, I feel a warmth I've never known." Closer. "When I smell the coconut in your hair, I feel like laying naked on a beach with you somewhere." Closer still. "And when our bodies touch, it feels like enough sparks to light a thousand fires." Our mouths are just centimeters apart. "So, yeah, I like how you make me feel."
Making the final move, Andrea reaches up, crashing her lips to mine. I return her kiss, our mouths molding into one. I've been craving her sweet taste of coffee and vanilla since the last time our mouths met.
We stumble back against the R.V., and as I instinctually reach out to brace myself, pain shoots through my hand like a rocket.
"Fuck!" I scream, jumping back and grabbing my hand.
Disappointment pulls at Andrea’s features. "Seriously? Again?"
"No, no, no. This isn't about you." I kiss her again for reassurance. Pulling up the sleeve of my sweatshirt, I reveal my bruised and swollen hand.
"Holy shit! Is that from—" She pauses, looking up at me with those eyes I never want to stop looking into.
I nod. "I'm sure Lucky's face doesn't look much better. But I damn sure wasn't going to stand by and allow him to let underage girls get wasted. By the way, how is your daughter?"
"I don't know. I came here first."
"Really?" I feel like this is making me happier than it should.
"Yeah, really." She laughs. "I'm sure my responsible child is making my irresponsible child regret everything she did last night. Knowing Mason, he’s making Madi’s morning a living hell for ruining his night. Now, let's go get you checked out at a hospital. I'm no expert, but Iama mom of two athletes, and there's something wrong with your wrist."
"I'm sure it's nothing. You don't have to take me."
"I know I don't have to, but is it okay if I want to?" She opens the passenger door for me, then walks to the driver's side.
Waiting for the light to turn green, she looks at me and smiles. Just a soft, simple smile is melting my heart.
"Thank you." My words come out barely louder than a whisper.
We leave the hospital three hours, two sets of x-rays—the tech fucked up the first round—and one sprained wrist later.
"Told ya so," Andrea says with a joking gloat in her voice as we climb back into the R.V. "My kids are baseball and softball players. I've seen some messed-up wrists in the last fifteen years."
"I'm glad I listened to you. The doctor said if I didn't have my wrist reset, there could have been permanent damage. Then there'd be no chance I'd ever tattoo again, even if I wanted to."
"Tattoo?" Andi questions.
"Yeah, Rome Empire Tattoos, the old me. The dark cloud I mentioned hangs over me."
"I see," she says, obviously waiting for more of an explanation, which I'm dreading for fear my crazy life will cause this stunning woman to run for the hills.
"What happened in Montana? I heard the resorts up there are beautiful."
“First off, I will never book anything after a night of drinking again. Apparently, whiskey makes me unable to read the fine print. The Clear Moon Resort should be called the Full Moon Resort.” Her cheeks start to turn the cutest shade of pink.
“Do you mean?”
“Yup. One hundred percent in the buff. Every wobbly bit out on display for the world to see. And when trying to meditate in a field if drippy little mushroom tips, it’s hard to take anything seriously.”
My face hurts from laughing at her telling this story of her adventure at a nudist resort. My attempt to change the subject is apparent but successful.
"Please don't tell my kids about this. Mason would be mortified." She laughs. Andi's face lights up every time she talks about her kids.
"Pull over up here before we get back to the campground."